Under My Skin

Page 12

He chuckled and squeezed me, not bothering to reply. He did, however, look back at Skank and say, “Sorry, as I was saying, I’m not interested. I’ve got all the woman I need right here.”

Gah…I melted into him, unable to help myself. He made things down low clench and become suspiciously damp.

I straightened a bit when I felt someone walk up behind me and noticed that Skank’s eyes were locking onto a new target. Turning my head, I smirked as Jackson slid his hand down my side, stopping possessively on my hip.

“Brandon getting you a drink, baby?” he asked.

“Sure is, lover,” I replied with relish.

I watched Skank’s eyes widen and her mouth open and close, her face becoming decidedly redder and redder, even in the dim lighting of the room. “You…you…whore!” she sputtered. “Both of them? You greedy ass bitch!” she shrieked.

I opened my mouth but didn’t get a chance to say a word. Brandon growled, “I suggest you walk away now and it’d be in your best interest to keep your mouth shut while you do it. And don’t you ever call my woman names again. Trust me, she’s better than you’ll ever dream of being.”

I gawked at him, and then at Jacks as well, as he nodded and shooed her away with his hand. I shook my head at them, grinning. “I could have handled that, you know.”

Brandon shrugged. “Yeah, I know. But I’d hate to get kicked out of here for you beating that bitch’s ass before I even get to dance with you.”

I laughed and hugged him, then turned and hugged Jackson before leaving them at the bar and making my way to the booth where Luke and Emma sat. Emma was laughing as I sat down and Luke was shaking his head.

“I swear, Allie, you cause trouble everywhere you go!” Luke said affectionately.

I glared at him, knowing that he was referencing the time I bitch-slapped a guy down at Skin Deep. Seriously, though, the dude had it coming. If he’d have groped my ass one more time, he probably would have went home wearing his ball-sac as a hat. He’s lucky all he was wearing was my hand print on his cheek.

Brandon and Jackson came back to the table then carrying drinks for us. Brandon had so kindly gotten a couple melon sours for us (frou-frou, yes, but so damn good!) and had also brought us a couple Three Wise Men, which are shots made of Johnnie Walker, Jim Beam, and Jack Daniels. Guaranteed to mess your world up!

Which is why, an hour and countless dances with my guys later, I was now kneeling on the bar, leaned backwards as the bartender poured a shot of tequila straight into my mouth. I got to my feet, still surprisingly steady, and started busting a move as Prince’s Pussy Control started playing. I heard Emma hoot and then she hopped up beside me, both of us dancing our asses off. She was laughing at me like crazy because I couldn’t help but belt out every single word as I dipped and rolled and basically humped the air.

Aaaand cue the big gulp and wide-eyed look from both me and Emma as we noticed halfway through the song that we’d gathered an audience. And fuck me running…front and center of that group were three drop-dead gorgeous males who did NOT look happy. At all.

Emma and I looked at each other again for a beat and then scrambled to get down. She shrieked beside me as Luke wasted no time in reaching up and lifting her down before she could do it herself, then without a word turned and left, Emma still held in his arms.

I remained standing there, frozen, until Jackson’s deep voice broke in above the music. “If you don’t get your happy ass off that bar right now, Allie, I won’t be held responsible for what happens next.”

Brandon nodded seriously beside Jackson and I couldn’t help it. I tried, I seriously did, but I guess I’m too much of a smart ass for my own good. “Threats, Jacks?” I said, saucily. “You should know better than that. I LIKE being punished…”

I let out my own loud squeak, my words cutting off sharply as Brandon grabbed me down the same as Luke had Emma, and headed toward the door. I turned my head in time to see Jackson throw a couple bills down on the bar before nodding at the bartender and following us out.

Oh, hell. I was in for it now. Unless…

Light bulb! I can’t get yelled at if they’re busy doing other things, right? With that in mind, I tightened my arms around Brandon and nuzzled my lips against his throat. I trailed kisses up his neck to his ear, taking the lobe in my teeth and nipping before whispering, “I want you inside me, Brandon.”

I felt a slight shudder run through him and his arms tightened even more around me, but he didn’t say a word. I darted my tongue out to taste him and continued to rain hot, open-mouthed kisses down his neck and jaw, moving swiftly toward his lips. I grunted when he turned his mouth away so I couldn’t reach it, pulling back slightly and scowling at him. He just shook his head and when we reached his SUV, he slid me down his chest and sat me on my feet before opening the back door for me to get in.

I shot him one more dirty look before crawling into the middle of the backseat, expecting him to follow me in. He didn’t; he got up front with Jacks and Emma and Luke got in on either side of me.

Emma looked at me and grinned, clearly feeling no pain. My head was swimming and I was more than a little…okay, a lot, buzzed, so I just shook my head and grinned back at her before laying my head on her shoulder. I felt her head lean against mine and then it was lights out.

In the morning, I blinked open eyelids that felt like they weighed twenty pounds each and flailed around, trying to turn off the alarm that was rattling my brain with every obnoxious beep. Why the hell had I set the alarm on a Saturday morning anyway?

Oh, shit! Today was the day we were doing the whole dress thing for Emma’s wedding. I groaned as I moved to sit up. First things first, though. I needed the bathroom and some Tylenol, stat!

Strike that—first things first; I wasn’t going anywhere until I managed to get out from between the two solid walls of hot, nude male flesh wrapped around me.

“Mmmfff…quit moving,” Brandon grumbled.

I pushed against his chest and said, “I have to get up so I have to move. Just let me up and go back to sleep. I have to go meet Emma and the other girls at the dress shop,” I replied softly to him.

Jackson’s arm tightened around me, pulling me back against his chest and Brandon slid even closer until I was completely pressed between them. Brandon’s head came up and his lips met mine in a brief kiss as I felt Jackson’s lips nuzzle the curve of my neck and shoulder. I wiggled, loving the feel of them wrapped around me.

“How’s your head?” Jackson asked. I could hear the laughter in his words.

“Ehhh…got a bit of a headache, but I’ll be fine once I get some Tylenol in me. Why?” I asked him.

He shrugged, but Brandon is the one who answered. “You definitely knocked back some drinks last night, babe. So, did you have fun dancing on the bar?”

Eek. “Ummm…yes?” I squeaked out and then laughed as he growled and dug his fingers into my sides, tickling me.

I couldn’t get away because Jackson was still holding me tight against him. “Okay! I give up! I’m sorry…No! I didn’t have fun dancing on the bar! Stop!” I yelled, still laughing.

Brandon let his hands drop and he kissed me one more time. I turned toward Jackson when he started speaking so I could look at him.

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