Under My Skin

Page 38

Their thrusts became quicker, harder, until both of them were pounding into me relentlessly, swelling even more inside me, causing the dam to break and I came, screaming and sobbing their names, my body jerking with uncontrollable spasms. My orgasm seemed to go on and on, fed gluttonously by the thick sounds of flesh slapping flesh, the wild, almost animalistic thrusts of them into my quivering body…and then I was turned inside out as they both growled and shouted as they came, flooding my body with scalding heat and sending me headlong into another mind-numbing release.

Chapter 17

A pounding broke into my orgasm-induced stupor and I pushed weakly against Jackson’s chest, which was still heaving against mine. Brandon was panting at my back and the movement of their breathing, combined with my still ragged breaths, was causing little jostling movements in my nether regions where both of them still resided. And I was so sensitive at the moment, I think I would literally die if I came again.

“Get. Off,” I wheezed tiredly, giving one more small attempt to dislodge Jackson. He disengaged slowly, causing me to clench around him, which caused all three of us to twitch and moan again. The pounding started again and Jackson rolled to his back, collecting himself for a second before he rolled off the bed and grabbed his pants off the floor, pulling them on clumsily as Brandon and I separated, going through the whole clenchy, jerky, moany thing again.

I reached down and flipped the comforter over us as Jackson opened the door a crack and peered out. He stepped back in surprise as Leah shoved through the door, looking like a crazed, cranky cavewoman. A dazed Chloe followed behind her, looking like she wasn’t altogether with it.

“LEAH!” I yelled, clutching the blanket to my chest and sitting up. Brandon scrambled frantically beside me and I realized too late that I’d pulled the cover off of him.

“ALLIE!” Brandon yelled, yanking the blanket back over him to cover the most important bits which, in turn, pulled it away from where it was clutched over my breasts.

“JESUS, BRANDON!” I yelled, finally covering my chest with my hands and diving down for a free corner of the blanket.

Jackson was laughing hysterically over by the door by this point while Chloe blinked in confusion, mumbling under her breath about crazy people, and Leah was glaring at us evilly.

I blew out a breath and asked Leah in exasperation, “What the hell are you doing? What do you want?”

“Well, for starters,” she began, her tone scathing, “I wanted to make sure you weren’t killing each other with all the screaming going on in here. Other than that, it was basically to ask you if you would quiet it down because you are being loud enough to wake the dead-or at least the severely hung-over/feels-like-we’re dead. ‘Kay?” She smiled sweetly (completely sarcastically, trust me), turned on her heel and started marching out, grabbing Chloe’s arm and dragging her along.

I laughed as I heard her grumble, ‘And I thought my sisters were loud. That’s it, I’m not sleeping over anywhere anymore without ear plugs.’

Jackson closed the door behind them and he, Brandon, and I all busted out laughing at the absurdity of the situation before Jackson crawled back in bed and I snuggled down between my guys, kissed them each sweetly, closed my eyes, and let sleep take me under.

I woke up the next morning in a rather good mood (go figure), so I got up and made breakfast for everyone. We had initially talked about doing a morning after the wedding brunch at Ben and Jan’s, but decided that we’d all probably be too hung over to do it. So my guys, Leah, and Chloe got chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, and bacon. Simple but not too shabby, if I do say so myself…

I had just finished sliding the last of the pancakes onto a plate and sat it in the middle of the table when I felt muscular arms slide around my waist from behind, pulling me back against a hard chest…among other things. I sighed and burrowed into the embrace, wriggling against the hardness poking me in the small of my back.

A deep groan emanated from above my head and teeth nipped gently at the side of my neck before Jackson turned me in his arms and leaned in to take my lips in a searing kiss. When our lips parted, I smiled and patted his chest, completely feeling content. It was a sort of new feeling…I mean, yeah, I was pretty content with my life before, don’t get me wrong. But there was something totally satisfying when you go to bed wrapped up in delicious male, and wake up the same way each morning. Not to mention the decadent lovin’ I get…mmmm.

I pulled out of his arms and walked into the outstretched arms of a very sleepy Brandon, smiling when he bent almost in half to burrow into my arms rather than wrap me in his. I kissed the side of his head and rubbed his back, giggling when he rasped his stubble over my sensitive skin.

He moved enough to kiss me briefly before turning and stumbling out of the kitchen toward the bathroom. I heard him grunt as he passed Leah and Chloe, who were walking like zombies out of Chloe’s room.

Grinning hugely, I called out as chipper as I could, “Well, good morning ladies! Did you sleep well?”

The evil looks I got from both of them made Jackson crack up, earning him twin looks that promised swift retribution if they could get to him quick enough. I wasn’t holding my breath on that one.

Brandon made his way back into the kitchen and we all sat down to eat. Once they got some food into them, Chloe and Leah started to perk up a little. Well, that and the Tylenol I handed them with their OJ. We ate pretty much in silence, everyone too intent on stuffing their face or lost in thought. The silence was broken only by Leah asking if I would take her to Jenna’s house to pick up her car where she left it before the wedding.

Once everyone was done eating and the guys were ensconced on the couch flipping channels, trying to find some kind of organized sport to watch, Chloe, Leah, and I piled into my car to head over to Jenna’s.

We walked into Jenna’s house and I was surprised by the fact that it wasn’t a chaotic mess like it usually is. And I say that because in addition to the craziness of her two kids and her poor female cat that Hayden named Tom, she had agreed to keep Doug for Luke and Emma while they went on their honeymoon. She definitely was gonna have her hands full.

As for the chaotic mess? I think I might have spoke too soon. A scream ripped through the house; we looked at each other for a split second and took off upstairs, heading for the sound.

We got to the top of the stairs just in time to hear Jarrod yell, “OH MY GOD! He’s done something BAD!”

I pushed past Leah and Chloe and peeked into Jarrod’s room to see him shaking his head violently from side to side and pointing to the dog. Jenna was standing in the middle of the room, but she wasn’t moving. I think she was in shock. And I guess I would be too, if a hundred pound lab was standing in my son’s room with a rather good-sized, life-like, flesh colored dildo hanging out of his mouth.

“Holy sh-nikes!” I whispered, remembering at the last second to censor myself. “Jenna?” I still whispered, not wanting to scare her. She jerked, whipped her head around to look at me, and I could see the gleam of panicked resolve in her eyes before she threw herself sideways at Doug in an attempt to wrestle the dildo away from him.

Doug, being the smart ass he is, dodged her easily and made a beeline for the door, taking me out at the kneecaps in the process. Dildos, when used as weapons, surprisingly hurt a lot more than you’d think, and the one flapping from the dog’s jaws was no exception. I got to my feet just as Chloe and Leah jumped out of his way to avoid getting hit with either the dog or the dong.

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