Unforgettable Love

Page 3

Robert’s lawyer had eaten my last lawyer alive during our first and only attempt at mediation. I needed someone who would not be afraid to stand up to the pompous chauvinistic pig who was hell-bent on taking half of everything I had away from me.

Dropping my head back, I let out a sigh as I began counting the tiles on the ceiling. Jesus, what in the hell is taking so long? I’m already not impressed with this new lawyer making me wait like this.

The doorknob turned and I sat up, inhaling a deep breath. Please don’t be an old fart. Please.

The door opened and I sucked in a breath of air. Slowly standing, my mouth dropped open as I stared at Dodge. The man I have fought a major attraction to was standing in front of me looking hotter than hell. What in the hell is he doing here?

My eyes quickly moved over his body as my insides turned to mush. Dodge was dressed in a white buttoned-down shirt, black dress slacks and a tie. He stood tall and confident as he made his way into the room. My insides melted on the spot. Holy shit does he look good dressed up. The things he could do to me with that tie. I loved that he dyed his blond hair back to brown. It caused his blue eyes to stand out even more and suited him so much better. Damn it all to hell. Why does he have to make my stomach feel like I’m on a thrill ride?

Slowly licking my lips, I went to talk but nothing came out.

“Sierra, it’s um—” Clearing his throat, he motioned for me to sit down. My mind was spinning. What is Dodge doing here? Am I being punked?

Sitting down slowly, I tried to figure out what in the hell was happening. Dodge shut the door and made his way around the table. Sitting down three seats away from me, I couldn’t help but notice how tense he was.

“W-what are you doing here, Dodge?” I asked.

Dodge began adjusting his tie as a bead of sweat formed on his brow. “It’s, ah, it’s Aaron, not Dodge.”

My stomach dropped at the sound of his name off of his lips. I wasn’t sure why I liked his damn name so much. I imagined how it would sound coming off my lips as he slowly made love to me and—Stop this, Sierra!

Swallowing hard, I shook my head to clear the naughty thoughts away. “Okay, Aaron. Why are you here? I’m about to have a meeting with my new lawyer, so you’re gonna have—”

My eyes widened as it hit me. Ryn and Tristan mentioned Dodge had gone back to work for his father’s law firm. Shit! Shit! Shit! What is Dodge’s last name?

Glancing quickly at a degree, I sucked in a breath. Aaron Walker. My eyes snapped back over to Dodge as he gave me a smirk. That bastard.

“I’m here, Mrs. Jackson, because I’m your new lawyer.”

Fate surely was not this cruel.

Placing my hand over my mouth, I whispered, “Holy shit.”

Dodge attempted to hold his smile back but failed miserably. Dropping my hand, I stood up. “No, no this is so not going to work. I need a new lawyer. You can’t be my lawyer.”

Dodge pulled his head back and asked, “Why not?”

Stunned, I said, “You’re a bartender, Dodge. You’re a . . . a . . .” Leaning closer to him, I whispered, “A man-whore.”

Dodge inhaled a deep breath and shook his head as he narrowed his eye at me. “I’ll have you know, Mrs. Jackson, I’m far more than just a bartender and man-whore.”

I could see the hurt and anger in Dodge’s eyes and a part of me was pleased I got one over on him.

“My father put me on this case to win, and I have every intention of doing just that. Would you like me to show you my degrees? Would that make you have more confidence in me?”

My small victory was quickly shot down as I realized what a bitch I was being.

“Um . . . I didn’t mean to—”

Reaching out his hand, Dodge slid the file closer to him and read over the previous lawyer’s notes. Dodge frowned as he kept reading. Before long he balled up his fist and inhaled a deep breath.

I slowly sat back down and began chewing on my bottom lip. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

Looking up from reading, I couldn’t read Dodge’s eyes. Standing, he turned away and said, “I need a few moments please.”

Without a word, he spun on his heels and left. The moment the door shut, I closed my eyes and prayed Dodge hadn’t read what I thought he read.

DRAGGING IN A FEW DEEP breaths, I headed down the hall to the main receptionist. “Karen, will you please bring in some bottled waters for Mrs. Jackson and myself.”

Nodding and giving me a smile, Karen said, “Sure. I’m on it.”

Turning back around, I headed into the empty conference room next to the one Sierra was in to regain my composure. That motherfucker hit her; I’m going to kill him. Running a hand through my hair, I squeezed my eyes shut. My feelings for Sierra had always thrown me for a loop. The first time I ever saw her I was instantly attracted to her. Her wiseass cracks had always driven me mad with both anger and lust. One minute I wanted to push her down like we were on a school playground, and the next I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her like she deserved to be kissed.

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