Unforgettable Love

Page 40

“Okay! One second and then will you zip me up?”

“Sure,” I said not even thinking what I was opening myself up to.

Sierra walked back into the bedroom. Her hair had been pulled up and she had a few strands of hair hanging down. “Wow! That was fast.”

Spinning around so I could see the back, Sierra laughed. “It’s a French twist. It was the first hairstyle my mother taught me when I was little. Every time I put it up like this, I think about her. Makes me feel like she’s here in a way.”

Smiling, I asked, “How old were you when you lost your mom?”

Her smile faded some as she looked away. “Thirteen.”

Damn it. “I’m so sorry, Sierra. I didn’t mean to bring up memories.”

Glancing back at me, she shook her head. “No. I love talking about my mother. I’ve been missing her a lot more than usual is all.”

Walking over to the bed, Sierra held the dress up. “Will you hold this for me?”

“Sure,” I said, again not thinking what would happen in the next five seconds would forever change everything between Sierra and me.

Sierra untied the robe and pushed it open, revealing a light-blue strapless push-up bra and matching lace panties.

I almost stumbled backwards when I saw the garter belt holding up her stockings. “Motherfucker,” I whispered.

Sierra glanced down and looked at herself. Glancing back at me, she gave me a Cheshire cat smile and said, “You like what you see, Aaron?”

My eyes locked on hers. Something about the way my name fell from her lips had my dick instantly hard as a rock. I wanted to hear her say my name while I made love to her.

Swallowing hard, I asked, “Um . . . how do you put this on?”

Lifting her hands, Sierra motioned for me to put the dress over her head. “Just be careful of my hair.”

Moving slowly, I helped the dress over her, making sure to not mess up her hair. Sierra held the front up as she turned her back toward me. My hands began shaking as I zipped the dress up. Sierra’s skin looked so damn soft. I fought like hell not to touch her. Or kiss her shoulder softly.

“Thank you,” Sierra whispered as she walked over to the side table and grabbed something. She turned back to me and that’s when I got the full view of the dress. It dipped low and showed the perfect amount of cleavage. The jewels that lined the dress caught every color in the room. My eyes roamed over her body before they were caught by the most beautiful baby blues I’d ever seen.

“Sierra . . . you look . . . you look—”

Someone knocked on the door, causing me to jump and stop talking. “Sierra, are you ready?” Em called from the other side of the door.

“Um . . . yes. I’ll be right down.”

“Okay! Hurry, I’m dying to see how beautiful you look!”

Smiling shyly, Sierra slipped on a pair of shoes that matched the color of the light-blue gown. Walking up to me, Sierra went to talk but someone else knocked on the door.

“Sierra? Darling, did you need any help getting dressed?” my mother asked. Turning, I headed back to the door that separated our rooms. Taking a deep breath, I walked through it and shut it, leaving Sierra alone on the other side of the door and me fighting to regain the knowledge on how to breathe in air.

Walking over to the dresser, I grabbed my wallet as I listened to my mother and Sierra talking as they walked by my door. Taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves, I opened the door as I saw them walking down the hall toward the stairs. “Mother, will you allow me to walk downstairs with you both?”

Stopping, my mother turned and smiled. Walking up to them both, I extended my arms. When I looked into Sierra’s eyes, I wasn’t sure how to read her. She seemed . . . lost. Maybe she was just nervous. It was obvious she wanted to make sure this evening went exactly how my mother wanted. I just wasn’t sure where Sierra wanted the evening to go.

Walking both Sierra and my mother down the staircase, my father took one look and let out a whistle. Both my mother and Sierra giggled. “My goodness. I’ve never seen such beautiful women. I’m going to have to worry about the three of you all night,” my father said as he held his hand out for my mother. Taking it, my father kissed the back of her hand. Em walked up to Sierra and let out a gasp.

“Sierra! You look so beautiful.” Looking at me, Em asked, “Doesn’t she look beautiful, Aaron?”

Smiling, I nodded. “She’s breathtaking.”

Sierra’s lips parted open slightly as her face blushed and she looked back at Em.

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