Unforgettable Love

Page 64

Azurdee rolled her eyes as Ryn fell back onto my bed. “Holy hell. Sierra, it’s a divorce hearing . . . not a runway,” Ryn said as she covered her face with her hands.

Shaking my head, I turned to face both of them. Smiling, I looked between the two of them. “Y’all will never know how much it means to me you both came to Austin for this.”

Ryn sat up and gave me a sweet smile as Azurdee wrapped me up in her arms. “That’s what friends are for, sweetie. Now, let’s just hope Aaron kicks your husband’s lawyer’s ass!”

The mention of Aaron’s name made my body shudder with desire. Closing my eyes briefly, I thought back to this morning, and in the shower. And the kitchen.

“Oh. My. God,” Ryn said as I snapped my eyes open.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked as I watched Ryn’s mouth drop open.

“You and Dodge. You slept with him, didn’t you?”

Azurdee’s head about broke off with how fast she turned and looked at me. “What? You slept with Dodge?” She began jumping up and down clapping as Ryn’s mouth about dropped to the ground.

“This past weekend?” Ryn asked as she narrowed her eye at me like how my father used to do when he knew I was about to lie.

Deciding not to hide the fact we were officially together, I grinned and shrugged my shoulders. “This weekend, last night, this morning.”

Ryn slammed her hands to her mouth and began screaming. Hitting her on the shoulder, I said, “My father is going to think I’m killing you in here. Stop screaming!”

Sure enough, there was a knock on my bedroom door. “Sierra, everything okay?”

Heading to the door, I opened it and gave my father an innocent smile. “Everything is fine, Daddy. Ryn is just happy I finally settled on this little black dress.”

My father looked me over. “Well, you are in mourning over all those years you wasted on that prick.”

Chuckling, I nodded my head. “Yep. You’ve got that right. We’ll be just a few more minutes, I promise.”

My father looked into my room at Azurdee and Ryn. “You two sure are some great friends to come all this way and surprise Sierra like you did.”

Ryn came and stood next to me and wrapped her arm around my waist. “That’s what friends do. Kind of like how Dodge is being such an amazing friend to Sierra. Don’t you think so, Sierra? Did you ever imagine you’d be so . . . close . . . to Dodge? I mean, Aaron. Oh no wait, are we calling him Mr. Walker today?”

Nodding his head, my father cleared his throat. “Well, hurry it along girls. Sierra, Mr. Walker, er, Dodge, er . . . Aaron wants you at the courthouse a little early.”

“Almost done, Daddy I swear.” Taking a step back into my room, I shut the door and glared at Ryn. “You bitch!”

Both Ryn and Azurdee started laughing. Shaking my head, I pointed at both of them. “Bitches, both of you. You’re both in a ten-minute time out. I’m not speaking to either one of you.”

Grabbing my black pumps, I slipped them on each foot and turned to walk out the door of the bedroom.

Azurdee cleared her throat and said, “Um . . . you forgot your purse.”

Stopping, I took in a deep breath and reached back for it. “Ten minutes starting now!”

Walking into the conference, I attempted not to let my breathing get out of control. I’d never had a panic attack but with the way I was dragging in air I was pretty sure I was having one.

Karen the receptionist smiled sweetly and gave me a knowing nod. The kind that says, I know you’re fucking your lawyer. Smiling back at her, I turned and walked over to the window and stared out at the capitol.

Closing my eyes, I prayed Robert didn’t have anything up his sleeve. My biggest worry was he had some smoking gun none of us would see coming. What it could be, I had no idea.

Hearing the door to the conference room open, I held my breath as I listened to it slowly shut, and then lock. Smiling, I slowly let my breath out as I felt him getting closer to me.

Turning around, I sucked a breath in. Aaron stood before me looking so damn handsome. My eyes roamed his body as I took in his black pants and white buttoned-down dress shirt. The striped tie he had on caused my cheeks to blush as I thought back to last night when he tied my hands to his headboard with that very tie and had his way with me.

My knees wobbled as he drew closer. Leaning against the wall, I tried to calm my breathing down.

Aaron stopped right in front of me and placed his left hand on the wall, while his right hand went to the window, successfully trapping me in the corner. His blue eyes captured mine as I smiled and grabbed his tie.

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