Unforgettable Love

Page 67

Yes. Please do show your true colors in front of the honorable Judge, Robert.

Judge Patterson raised her eyebrow and looked at Robert’s lawyer and then me. “How are we just now finding out this provision? This would have saved a lot of time.”

Standing, Robert’s lawyer said, “The trust documents were reviewed by my paralegal. I’m not sure how she missed this.”

Judge Patterson’s eyes about popped out of her head as she stared at Robert’s lawyer. Shaking her head, she turned to me. Attempting to hold my smile back, I cleared my throat.

“As the court knows, I was newly assigned to Mrs. Jackson’s case. After going over the documents numerous times, it was clear there were some missing. Those missing documents arrived only last week.”

Taking in a deep breath and letting it out sharply, Judge Patterson nodded her head and said, “I see. Well, clearly it would have been nice if someone had noticed this major section in the trust fund documents was missing.”

Nodding my head, I said, “I agree ma’am.”

“Continue on, Mr. Walker.”

“Yes, your honor,” I said as I reached for another envelope.

Judge Patterson leaned back in her chair, as if waiting for the show to continue on.

“We’d like to go ahead and address the accusation of my client, Mrs. Jackson, having an affair with Jeremy Hines. I have here a sworn affidavit from Mr. Hines stating he has not seen Mrs. Jackson in over five years and has been living in the United Kingdom with his partner, Joshua Rimm, where they are raising a daughter together. He has stated that at no time in the years he has known Mrs. Jackson, have they ever engaged in any sexual conduct.”

Robert stood up. “This is bullshit! They fucked in college! I know they did.”

Judge Patterson slammed her gavel so hard that it echoed through the courtroom and Sierra let out an audible gasp. Pointing to Robert, Judge Patterson said, “Sit down, Dr. Jackson. One more outburst from you and you will be held in contempt.”

Turning around, I looked at Robert’s lawyer who glared at me. Turning to Robert he whispered something, nodded his head and then stood and addressed the judge. “Your honor. My client would like a moment to speak with his wife in private.”

Judge Patterson looked at me and I shook my head no. “My client wishes to proceed. This trial has been pushed back multiple times and she longs to move on with her life.”

“With you!” Robert called out. Judge Patterson glared at Robert.

“Mr. Walker, do you have anything else to present since it seems you’re on a roll this afternoon?”

Giving her a smile, I walked back to the table and looked at my father. He sat back in his chair happy as a clam, while Sierra sat there with a blank expression on her face.

Sifting through the papers, I pulled out the last two bits of ammo I had. The affairs. Sierra sat up taller and folded her hands across her lap as she gave me a smile. Glancing over to my father, he nodded.

Turning to the front of the courtroom I held up the first piece of paper. “I have here in my possession a sworn affidavit from a forensic accountant who went through the last three years of Dr. and Mrs. Jackson’s bank statement. The statement states Dr. Jackson was slowly draining the joint account he and Mrs. Jackson shared and depositing it into an alternative funding account. This account is considered a part of the marital assets.”

Robert leaned over and began talking to his lawyer who kept nodding his head.

“Your honor, I also have sworn affidavits from two women who previously worked at the same hospital as Dr. Jackson, stating they both had sexual relationships with Dr. Jackson while he was married to my client.”

Judge Patterson motioned for the affidavits. Reading over them, she set them down and cleared her throat. “Mr. Walker, is your client going to be asking for her portion of these marital assets?”

“No, your honor. My client only wishes to be granted the divorce and is waiving all rights to her portion of the marital assets.”

Nodding her head, Judge Patterson, said, “Fine. I’m ready to make my ruling.”

Everyone stood as I heard Robert behind me whispering frantically to his lawyer.

“I hereby rule in favor of Mrs. Jackson and grant her divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. No additional compensation will be granted to either party.”

Hitting the gavel again, it echoed through the courtroom as Robert stood up. “Wait. No wait.” Turning to Sierra, Robert said, “Sierra. We can make this work! Why are you throwing our marriage away?”

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