Unforgettable Love

Page 70

Walking to my car in the employee parking lot, I put the balloons in the back seat and then pulled out my cell. Sitting in the driver’s seat, I opened up my text messages. I had eight text messages from Aaron.

Aaron: Princess is hurt!

Aaron: Princess is bleeding. Everywhere! I need you!

Aaron: Stat!

Oh shit. What happened to Princess? Damn it. I knew she should have come with me last night. She’d be safe and at doggy day care right now.

Aaron: It’s everywhere! What the fuck! Going to vet.

Aaron: I’m at a loss for words. She’s having her doggy period. Heat is what they call it!

Covering my mouth with my hand, I tried not to laugh out loud but soon lost the battle.

Aaron: You had to give me a girl didn’t you?

Aaron: I’m NOT going to PetSmart to buy girl shit for her.

Shaking my head, I read the last message and busted out laughing.

Aaron: Jesus H Christ. You planned this all along didn’t you? You’re evil. I’m marrying the devil!

Hitting Aaron’s number, I started my car and waited for him to answer.

“Hello!” Panic laced Aaron’s words as I turned up the volume on my car as the phone connected through the speakers. I knew it was wrong, but I kind of liked knowing this had totally caught Aaron off guard.

“Clearly you didn’t read the book Kacey gave you when she first gave you Princess. You’d have known this was coming.”

“W-what? That’s what you’re going to say to me as I sit here with my dog sitting in my truck bleeding as she wears some contraction thing that has her damn tail sticking through it! She got blood on my seat, Sierra. My truck seat.”

Pressing my lips together to keep from laughing, I said in a calm voice. “Baby, I just pulled out of work. I’ll meet you at the PetSmart on Brodie Lane, okay?”

“I’m already there. We’re in the parking lot . . . waiting for you.”

Ten minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot. Aaron was sitting on the tailgate of his truck while Princess was lying down next to him.

Parking my car, I walked over to them with a shit-eating grin on my face. Aaron looked miserable and Princess jumped up and began barking the moment she saw me. I had to admit, it made me all kinds of giddy that she loved me as much as she did.

Aaron sighed. “Sure, now she acts all happy. Before, you’d have thought she was the most depressed dog in the world.”

Taking Princess’ leash, I called for her to jump down. “Well shit . . . look at her. You have her in a diaper!”

Aaron shook his head, as if in disbelief. “She’s bleeding! And the worst part is, the vet wants to wait until she is out of heat before he spays her.”

Aaron jumped off his tailgate and shut it as he began walking toward the entrance of the pet store. “That’s good though, Aaron. If they do it while she is in heat, she might have more bleeding.”

Brushing me off with his hands, Aaron spoke in a frustrated voice. “I know, I know. He already talked to me about it.”

Looking down at Princess, she glanced up at me, almost as if we were both thinking the same thing. Nodding my head, I said, “I know, girl. We just need to be patient with Daddy.”

My stomach dropped as the thought of having a child with Aaron flooded my thoughts. Grinning like a crazy fool, I pushed the thoughts away while following Aaron into the store.

Aaron immediately walked up to a young woman stocking a shelf. “Excuse me, can you tell where I can find the tampons for dogs?”

My mouth dropped open and so did the employee’s as she asked, “Um . . . excuse me?”

Aaron lifted his hand and dropped it again in frustration. “You know, the tampons for dogs? My dog is in heat and I need tampons so she won’t bleed.”

Princess whimpered next to me, and I fought the urge to pick her up and run. Looking down at her, I held up my hand and whispered, “I got this, girl, but let’s just let this play out a few more seconds.”

Princess dropped down on the floor and placed her head on her paw while she closed her eyes. Poor thing was scared for her life.

Turning back to Aaron, I fought like hell not to bust out laughing. I couldn’t decide what was funnier. The shocked expression on the PetSmart employee’s face or the fact Aaron kept referring to the doggy diapers as tampons.

“Ah . . . oh no, no they don’t make things like . . . um . . . like that . . . um . . .”

Oh, this is priceless. Shit! I should be recording this!

Pulling out my phone, I quickly swiped up and began recording.

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