Unforgettable Love

Page 79

Opening the door to the truck, I got out and made my way around to the front where Em ran past me and into Aaron’s arms.

“Yes!” Em said as she hugged Aaron. “Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. This time I’m going to try for six somersaults in a row without throwing up!”

Covering my mouth in an attempt not to start gagging, I glanced over to poor Zach, who had a horrified look on his face. Turning to me, he mouthed, help me.

Giggling, I shook my head and made my way over to the brother and sister freak show. Placing my hands on my hips, I cleared my throat. Aaron and Em turned and looked between Zach and me.

Em smiled from ear to ear. “What’s wrong? You both look like Debbie downers!”

Zach let out a nervous chuckle. “Um . . . Em . . . I’m kind of . . . well . . . I mean . . . I’m um. Well how do I say this?”

“Jesus, son, spit it the hell out,” Aaron said.

Em hit Aaron on the chest. “Stop it, Aaron.” Turning back to Zach, Em gave him her full attention. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“He’s afraid of heights . . . like me. If you think for one moment we’re going to strap on some stupid looking flying gear and fly around in a tube made for giant rats . . . you’re both insane.”

Zach looked at me and said, “How did you know I was afraid of heights?”

“When fear looks fear in the eyes and begs for help . . . it’s clear. You’re afraid of heights.”

Aaron laughed as he waved both Zach and me off. “Nonsense. Y’all are going to have a blast. You asked for an adventure, baby.” Aaron pointed to the iFly building. “Here it is.”

“Do you want me walking down your parents’ steps in a cast Saturday? Do you?” I said as I jetted out my lower lip in a serious pout, hoping it would tug on Aaron’s heart.

Rolling his eyes, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the building. For one brief moment I thought about throwing myself to the ground, but I thought better.

After getting signed up, going through our ‘skydiving class,’ we were given our flying gear. Slipping it on, I kept glancing around the room. Em and Aaron were already flying high, and I suspected they came here often. Zach looked like he was ready to crawl into the corner and start rocking back and forth. And me . . . I felt like I was looking into the next twelve hours of my life. Sitting in the ER waiting for either an arm or a leg to be put in a cast.

“I’ll never get to see my wedding,” I mumbled under my breath as Aaron and Em high fived each other and made their way to the giant rat tube.

The second I saw the people in the tube, I felt sick. “Oh hell the fuck no!” I said as everyone turned and looked at me.

“Sierra!” Em said with her eyes about bulging out of her head.

My fearless fiancé who vowed never to let me be hurt laughed his ass off. The instructor smiled and looked at us. “All right, looks like once this party is over, it’s just us!”

Em started jumping up and down as Aaron fist pumped. Who was this man? Maybe it was good I was seeing this side of him before I married him.

The instructor turned and looked at me as if waiting for my response. “Oh yay!” I mumbled as I looked at Zach, who I’m pretty sure was reciting the Our Father prayer.

“Who wants to go first?” the instructor asked. Em and Aaron pushed each other out of the way as I shook my head in disgust.

Zach moved closer to me and whispered, “If they go first, we can make a run for it.”

Pursing my lips, I thought about Zach’s suggestion for a few seconds. “They’ll just come after us. Besides, I don’t think I could run in this jumpsuit if you paid me.”

“Damn. It feels like it’s cutting off my balls,” Zach said as he picked up his leg and shook it. Staring at him, I slowly shook my head and rolled my eyes.


After calming down Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the instructor informed them I was going first. Glaring at him as he smiled at me, I silently put a curse on the instructor and wished like hell I knew how to build one of those stupid voodoo dolls.

Nodding my head, I slapped my hands together and said, “All right. I got this!”

Aaron and Em cheered me on as Zach quickly wished the best for me. Bastard.

The instructor stepped in first and stood on what I swear looked like chicken wire. Pointing to it, I shouted, “Will that hold me if I fall?”

Nodding, he said, “You won’t fall though.”

Pulling me out, I did as they taught us and put my hands out. I felt like freaking Superman as I hovered over giant machines. The force of wind was so strong I was pretty sure I could go through my entire life never feeling the strength of it ever again. Gripping onto the instructor, he tried to get me to let go.

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