Unforgettable Love

Page 8


My heart began pounding as I walked back to the bedroom; tears began streaming down my face as I stood and stared at the rose.

Someone had been in my house.

Wiping my tears away with my shaky hands, I walked to the side of my bed and grabbed the rose. Dropping the rose back onto the bed, Robert popped into my head.

Covering my mouth, I fell onto my bed and began sobbing. Oh my god. Oh my god, he was in my house! Robert was in my house.

Sitting up, I wiped my tears away shook my head and tried to calm myself down. “No. You will not make me afraid to be in my own home. I will not let you.”

Quickly getting up, I made my way to the dresser and grabbed panties, a T-shirt, and sweatpants. Getting dressed as fast as I could, I grabbed the rose and headed to my car. I wasn’t sure if I should even be doing this, but he was the only person I knew to turn to.

Before heading over to my car, I lifted the lid to my trash can and threw the rose away. Getting in my car, I attempted to control my shaking hands. Reaching to turn my car on, I jumped when my phone started ringing. Picking it up, it was an unknown number.

Taking in a deep breath, I said, “Hello?”

“What are you doing, Sierra?”

My body tensed and I instantly began sweating as my heart dropped to my stomach.

“R-Robert? How in the hell did you get in my house?”

Robert let out a small chuckle. “Sierra, please. We both know I’m capable of getting to you if I want to. But, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Is this your latest tactic, Robert? Trying to scare me? It won’t work. You’re never going to win and you will never lay a hand on me again. I swear.”

“Is that a threat, Sierra? Are you threatening my life, sweetheart?”

Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Why, darling, I would never threaten your life. Remember, if I wanted to, I’d have your ass sitting in jail for hitting me. Do you remember that night . . . sweetheart?”

Robert let out a laugh that ran through my body like a thousand pins were poking me.

“A moment of weakness on my part. I already told you I was drunk and not thinking straight. I didn’t call to talk about that unfortunate night.”

Letting out a gruff laugh, I said, “We have nothing to talk about, Robert. All communication will now be going through my lawyer.”

Robert let out a loud laugh. “Sierra, you do realize by changing lawyers, it’s not going to help your case. He isn’t going to be able to help you. At all.”

Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes. “He is going to be able to help me, Robert, and I promise you, he won’t let you near me ever again.”

Jumping when I heard something crashing in the background, I let out a small scream. “Fuck him, Sierra. You are mine, do you understand that? You think you can do better than me, you damn whore? I was the best thing that ever happened to you.”

Covering my mouth with my hand, I attempted to hold back my sobs. Why is he doing this? What happened to the man I fell in love with and married?

Taking the phone away from my ear, I dragged in a few breaths to calm myself down. Placing the phone back against my ear, I concentrated on speaking clearly.

“Robert, you bore me with your childish actions. The only person in this scenario who is a whore is my ex-friend who was shacking up with a married man. I suggest you stop calling me, and if you ever set foot in my house again . . . I will kill you. And Robert? That is not a threat . . . that’s a promise.”

Pulling my phone back, I hit End and let my tears fall as I looked for Dodge’s number. Oh. My. God. Robert is having me followed. He’s breaking into my house and having me followed. What in the hell is going on with him?


All I could hear were people talking and what sounded like a band playing in the background. Then I heard a female voice, “Aaron, let’s dance again!”

My heart slammed against my chest as I realized Dodge must be out on a date. Shit. Attempting to keep my voice from cracking, I failed big time. “Dodge? Umm . . . sorry . . . is now a bad time to talk to you?”

“Sierra? No! Wait, give me two seconds to get outside so I can hear better.”

Smiling slightly, I liked the idea he would stop in the middle of a date to take my call.

Taking in a deep breath, I waited for Dodge to start talking again. Dropping my head back on the headrest, I let out a frustrated moan. This was stupid to be calling Dodge first. I should be calling my father. But Dodge did tell me if I got anything from Robert to send it his way. So I was doing the right thing . . . I think.

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