Weekends Required

Page 10

To Claire, he seemed to dote on Suzy, and she seemed to breathe life into him. She felt so guilty that she’d not been there for Suzy and, come to think of it, she’d not told Suzy she would be out of town either. Great, my friend in need thinks I bailed on her this weekend! Score: crappy weekend - 3, Claire - 0.

Claire picked up the phone and walked into the living room and settled herself on the couch to call Suzy. A low quiet voice answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Suz, it’s me, Claire. I’m so sorry, I just got your message; I was out of town. What in the world is going on?” Suzy started to cry; raw, seemingly uncontrollable sobs were coming so fast it was as if a dam had collapsed. “Suz, hold on, I’m coming over there right now,” said Claire in an urgent voice.

“No,” Suzy managed to get out between sobs; Beth is here.”

Beth was Suzy’s younger sister who lived across town and worked as a school teacher. Claire knew they were extremely close and immediately felt better knowing Beth would slay dragons to protect her sister.

“Can you talk Suz?”

Suzy took a couple of shuddering deep breaths, trying to get herself back under control and Claire held the phone in silence, giving Suzy the time she needed to compose herself. “I… I was just so shocked, Claire,” began Suzy weakly. “I thought we were happy. We hadn’t been fighting, the sex was still good, and he didn’t have any of the usual signs. He wasn’t late coming home, didn’t switch brands of underwear and hell, he didn’t even start gelling his hair,” finished Suzy in disbelief.

She had no idea what hair gel had to do with infidelity, probably something from Suzy’s bible, Cosmopolitan. “Suz, how do you know he’s involved with someone else? Maybe he just needs some time alone?”

“I saw text messages on his phone and not the 'reminding him of his appointment' type, the ‘I want to stick my tongue down your throat’ type. The funny thing is I was not suspicious at all. I grabbed his phone thinking it was mine since they look alike; I was scrolling through the phone looking for a number that Beth had texted me earlier. At first, I was just confused as to what all the text messages were and who Melissa was. I opened the first one, still thinking that someone had the wrong number and had sent me all those messages by mistake. I read through probably fifty messages and each one seemed to unfold a life and a part of Jeff that I didn’t know existed.

"I was so shocked, the messages and his replies were so out of character for the Jeff I’d known all those years. When he walked back in and saw me holding the phone, he didn’t even bother to make excuses. It was almost as if he was relieved that I’d found out. I swear Claire; it was the most surreal moment of my life, and you know that’s saying something."

Claire was glad to hear the smile she could detect in Suzy’s voice and her attempt at humor when she finished her sentence. “Did he move out, Suz?” asked Claire.

“Yeah, the rat bastard was packed and out the door within the hour. I think he must have had the suitcase half packed already and waiting for the opportunity,” Suzy wearily finished.

“Suz, I don’t know what to say, I can’t believe it. Maybe you guys can talk and try to work through things. He might just be confused, and it’s possible he didn’t have sex with the girl.”

“Bullshit! Trust me, without going into a lot of disgusting details, he did have sex with the slut dentist; she drilled more than a hole in his mouth, that’s for damn sure.”

Even clearly upset, Suzy as usual had a way with words; she gave new meaning to ‘making a sailor blush.’ “Are you sure you don’t want me to come over there?"

“I’m not much company Claire; I want to continue this outstanding pity party that I’m hosting for myself today. Tomorrow it’s over and I’m going to forget the scum bag ever existed."

"So where were you this weekend?” Suzy suddenly asked.

Claire had hoped to get off the phone before Suzy brought that up. “I had to work.” In a vain attempt to change the subject, Claire quickly asked, “Are you feeling better?”

“Wait, you had to work all weekend? You never do weekends,” said a suspicious Suzy.

“It’s the merger with Mericom, there were some important changes that had to be made this weekend; that’s all,” hedged Claire.

“You were in the office with smoking buns all weekend?”

“Well um, not exactly in the office,” Claire replied evasively.

Claire stood up and started to pace her apartment knowing that Suzy was fixing to go off like a drill sergeant. “What do you mean, 'not exactly in the office', where were you exactly?

Claire felt like she’d traveled back in time, and she was being drilled by her father for coming home late. “Um well, I sort of went to Columbia because Jason had to go to a friend’s house for the weekend, and he needed to work while he was there.” Her shoulders tightened as she waited for the inevitable barrage that would certainly be coming.

“Hmm, I see,” replied Suzy. "How long have you been bumping uglies with smoking buns you tart?”

“I most certainly am not 'bumping uglies,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. I’m not bumping anything with Jason,” replied an indignant Claire.

“Yeah, yeah, save it for someone who buys it. I’m going to need some details here. I mean complete disclosure; no sweaty stone left unturned. Tomorrow night we’re going out to dinner after work, and you’re giving me the 411 on this whole sordid story. Don’t even think about saying no, I’ll drag you kicking and screaming if I need to,” threatened Suzy.

Claire knew it was useless trying to correct Suzy and hearing the excitement back in her friend’s voice; Claire decided to let Suzy labor under the false assumption for the night. She knew that Suzy needed something else to focus on even if the fantasy was all in her head.

“I promise I won’t back out; you pick the place tomorrow. I love you Suz and I’m here if you need me.”

“I love you too Claire; I might even tattoo your name on my rump this weekend,” joked Suzy.

“You’re impossible, you know that, right?” laughed Claire. Promising once again to go to dinner tomorrow, Claire was smiling as she finished the call.

Anyone else would be depressed and miserable for months over a breakup of this magnitude but Suzy would do exactly as she said. She would be miserable for the rest of the day, and tomorrow she would forge straight ahead as she put her life back together.


The drive through Myrtle Beach was slow during the tourist season. Girls in skimpy swimsuits and even skimpier shorts walked down the Boulevard usually followed by some guys hoping for a summer fling. The water parks and putt putt courses were doing a booming business. Claire felt much older than her twenty-eight years with the weight of so much responsibility on her shoulders. She was relieved when she made it through the heavy traffic and arrived at her mother’s home.

Quickly, she exited the car and made her way to the door so she could turn a blind eye today to all the repairs that were so obviously needed. Louise was waiting with the door open and a smile on her face. How would she ever survive if that smiling welcome wasn’t waiting for her each time?

In a way, Louise became more of a mother to her than her own over the last few years. With her mother’s increasing Alzheimer’s there were so many days now that she barely recognized that Claire and Louise were always there to smooth the hurt away.

She walked to the top of the steps and put her arms around Louise giving her a tighter than usual hug. Louise looked inquiringly at Claire, “you okay honey?”

“I’m great Louise and I like the new hair color.” Both burst out laughing at the same time. Louise’s hair was the usually brown but there was now a decidedly pink hue to it.

“You know how it goes on the hair, sometimes you look like the girl on the box, and sometimes you look like the box exploded on your head,” laughed Louise.

“Well I think it looks great,” Claire said as they walked into the house.

Claire saw her mother walk into the foyer and gave her a bright smile. “Hi mom, you look so nice today.”

Her mother looked at Claire in confusion and asked, “Louise do we have company?”

With a sick feeling in her stomach, Claire realized that her mother had no idea who she was. She walked slowly forward as not to startle her mother and played the role she’d been forced into more and more lately. “Hi Evelyn, it’s lovely to see you again,” Claire said as she extended a hand towards her mother.

Her mother hesitantly held her hand out and Claire took it in her own and gave it a light squeeze.

“Evelyn, Claire is a friend who is joining us for lunch today; I hope that’s ok with you.” Not waiting for a reply, Louise stepped forward and gently led her mother back to her favorite chair in the living area and then continued on to the kitchen.

Sometimes it was actually easier to be a stranger to her mother rather than have to pretend she was Chrissie. These lapses of memory could last for her entire visit or her mother could slip in and out several times; which was exhausting to keep up with.

“What can I help you with Louise?” inquired Claire.

“I don’t need any help honey, just have a seat and relax while I finish the sauce up.” Claire took a seat on the sofa and noticed that her mother was already engrossed in watching Family Feud. Claire discussed the contestants with her and enjoyed seeing how animated she became even if it was over a game show.

The spaghetti was mouthwatering and Claire quickly cleaned her plate and helped herself to seconds. Even being a stranger to her mother, Claire still enjoyed the afternoon and evening with them more than she had in quite some time. All too soon it was time to go home. She gave Louise another hug and also chanced giving her mother a quick one.

Still smiling after the enjoyable evening, Claire pulled into the lot of her apartment building and paused; maybe Billy was watching her space. Deciding to use the visitor’s parking at the end of the complex, Claire locked up and quickly headed towards her door. There was no sign of Billy, and she opened her door and shut it with a feeling of triumph. Giving a big fist pump, Claire had to laugh at herself. Maybe her luck was changing after all.

Chapter Ten

Claire entered her office on Monday morning feeling apprehensive about what was to come. Would this be the day that Jason confronted her about her job at Partiez Plus? She would have no choice in the matter if he forced her hand; she would have to quit her job with Partiez and then look for another job to fill the income gap. She would have to work more hours to come close to matching what she made working for Pam on the weekends. Jason’s door was still shut leaving Claire to wonder if he was in yet this morning.

She noticed a note from Jason on her desk as she slid into her seat. Quickly skimming the note, Claire felt a smile break out. Yes indeed, her luck did seem to be turning; Jason was going to be out of the office today. The note instructed her to check her email for a list of tasks that needed to be completed, and that he would not be in the office until tomorrow morning.

Claire worked steadily all morning and only paused to grab a drink and pack of crackers out of vending before getting back to work. Around 2 pm, Suzy came breezing through the door. Claire stopped the email she was composing and carefully studied Suzy’s face. Amazing, you’d never know what happened to her this weekend; she looked exactly the same as she did every day.

A grin tugged at her lips as she read Suzy’s t-shirt one more time to make sure she had it right. The shirt was bright orange and had Little Caesar’s Pizza in small white writing at the bottom. In bold, black print, it had their slogan ‘Hot and Ready.’ She’d paired the eye catching shirt with a pair of snug black jeans, a chain belt, and a pair of stiletto heels. Only Suzy could make an outfit like that seem perfectly normal.

“Where is hot buns at?”

She laughed despite herself and said, “He’s out of the office today.”

“So remember we’re going out to dinner tonight, right? Jeff had a little money in our joint account, so we’re going to spend every last dime of it on a fancy-shmancy meal at that new restaurant, The Ivy,” said Suzy with what could only be called an evil smile.

“Oh wow, I’ve heard of it, and I’m not dressed for anything that fancy,” replied Claire regretfully.

“No worries, I’ve got everything covered. I brought two dresses with me today; they’re hanging in my office.”

“Suz, I can’t wear your clothes; they’ll be too short for me.”

“It’s a dress silly, there’s no such thing as a dress that’s too short, it will be fine. I have the matching shoes as well, and I know we both wear the same size, so we’re all set.”

Suzy looked so pleased with herself; Claire didn’t have the heart to argue with her. If it kept that smile on Suzy’s face, then she would wear a garbage bag tonight if she had to. Suzy arranged to meet her in the restroom down the hall at five where they’d both change and leave straight from work for their six o’clock reservations at Ivy.

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