When Darkness Comes

Page 40

Preparing to launch a vicious right hook, the man was too blinded by fury to consider he might actually be outgunned by a woman four inches shorter and a hundred pounds lighter.

Not until she dived forward and planted her hands in the center of his chest.

Smoke began to rise as he howled in pain, but Abby didn't waver. The wizard wannabe would kill her given the chance. She didn't intend to give him the chance.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Abby became aware of Dante swiftly approaching. Oddly he halted beside the tree rather than tossing himself into the fray.

Whether out of fear she might toast him in confusion or because he was alarmed he might distract her, she couldn't say. And at the moment she was a little too occupied to care.

Clutching at her arms, the man struggled to pull her closer.

'You'll pay for this," he panted.

Abby gritted her teeth as she pressed harder. A horrible stench began to fill the air. The smell of burning fabric. And what she suspected was searing flesh.

Then, just as she thought she could bear no more, her assailant gave a strangled cry and with a desperate wrench he was stumbling away from her.

Just for a moment she considered following after him. She didn't doubt he was an evil man who was capable of harming any number of innocent people. But, while she was prepared to protect herself, she knew she could not deliberately chase down a fleeing man and put an end to him.

That zoomed way beyond her comfort zone.

Instead she sank to her knees and sucked in a deep breath.

"You can come out now, Dante. I know you're here."

Chapter 19

Dante stepped from behind the tree with a faint smile. He recognized that peevish tone. It meant that Abby was well aware of his extracurricular activity with the dark wizard and was not a bit pleased with him.

"You did well, lover. That fool will think twice about coming after you again."

She stepped toward him, planting her hands on her hips. "Why didn't you help me?"

"Did you want my help?"

That made her briefly falter. Her independent nature made it nearly impossible for her to admit she might need assistance. From anyone.

At last she shrugged. "It's not like you to stand back and watch me duke it out."

Dante cocked a brow at the unfamiliar phrase. "Duke it out?"

"Fight off the bad guys."

He reached out to grasp her arms and tug her close. He breathed deeply of her warm scent. A scent that now held his own blood. That knowledge made a purely male pleasure race through him.

Her eyes narrowed. "I've had your blood; I know there was some sort of fight."

His lips twitched. "More a minor disagreement."


He cupped her chin in his hand. "Abby, I found the wizard, we exchanged a handful of threats, I had him in my grasp, and like a fool I allowed him to disappear. Nothing more."

"You're lucky he did disappear. I have warned you what will happen if you get yourself hurt."

Dante smiled as his gaze dropped to her mouth. Surely he had allowed her enough chiding? It was definitely time to move on to more interesting activities.

Debating whether he dared to pull her back in Ms arms and kiss away her temper, he was abruptly whirling, his fangs extended and his hands curled into claws. A vampire was near, and he wasn't about to take chances.

On cue, Viper stepped from the shadows and folded his arms over his chest. Even to Dante's eye he appeared a lethal threat with his large body attired in black and his pale hair pulled back with a heavy silver clasp. An ancient predator who wouldn't hesitate to kill.

The familiar mocking smile curved his lips.

"Really, Dante, I thought you would be knee-deep in witches by now, and here you are playing with your new toy."

Dante cocked a brow. "What are you doing here?"

"I was following the trail of your wizard."

"Too late." Dante glared toward Selena's dark estate. "He already made his grand appearance."

"And now?"

His hands were lowering to the flare of her hips when she was suddenly pushing against his chest.



'You're not going to distract me."

His teeth nipped at the lobe of her ear. "It could be fun."

She gave a faint shiver before she was sternly stepping back and folding her arms over her chest.

"No. You lied to me."

Dante ruefully conceded that Abby wasn't going to be deflected. She was smoldering with the need to rake him over the coals. A pity. With the immediate threat gone, he could think of better means of passing the time.

"That's rather harsh," he mildly protested.

'You told me you were going to lay a false trail and pick up the scent of that demon." She poked her finger at his chest. "You didn't say anything about flexing your testosterone with that damn wizard."

"He's going to be a pain in the ass until we can get rid of him. I'm tired of looking over my shoulder."

"Did you…?"

"No." Dante gave a disgusted shake of his head. He had been preparing for battle. He hadn't considered the notion the bastard would use his powers to elude him. "The coward scurried away rather than fight like a man."

More chest poking. "There was more than just him running away. I could feel you, and I know that there was some sort of fight."

"Hardly a fight. Or even a skirmish." He held out his arms. "Look at me, not a scratch."

"You seemed to be holding your own."

She leaned back to stab him with a narrowed gaze. "Okay, what's going on?"


"I could feel you behind the tree, and I know damn well you were itching to charge out and kill that man. What stopped you?"

He smoothed back a stray curl. "I needed to know that you wouldn't hesitate to fight."

She made a strangled sound. "God almighty, I've been in a full-scale war for days. Why would I hesitate now?"

"You've been fighting demons and zombies, not humans. In your mind there's a difference," he pointed out. "I needed to know you could overcome your fear of harming another."

A flush touched her cheeks. "Oh."

His finger brushed her lips. "Are you all right?"

Her lips twisted in a grim smile. "As all right as I can be right now."

"No regrets?" he pressed.

She took a moment as she glanced down the now-empty street. "Actually… no. This may be horrible of me, but it's nice to know that I didn't panic when the chips were down."

He tugged her closer. It was a lesson she needed to learn for herself. But it had been hell standing back and allowing her to discover her strength.

He would rather be staked than go through that again.

"A powerful woman. I like it." His lips skated over her temple. "Sexy."

"Is there anything you don't find sexy?"

"What can I say? Vampires are insatiable."

"His grand exit. He called upon the Prince."

Viper shrugged. "It's only a matter of time."

"He's proving to be a pain in the ass."

"Aren't all wizards?"

"I did manage to injure him. You should be able to follow the scent of his blood."

A beat passed as Viper slid his gaze to the silent Abby. "You aren't in a hurry to be rid of me, are you, Dante?"

He was, of course. He was possessive enough to resent the manner in which Viper watched Abby.

"I have my own trail to follow."

As if sensing Dante's prickling unease, Viper deliberately strolled toward Abby and lightly touched her hair.

"And games to play, eh?" He stilled, lowering his head to sniff at her neck before reaching to grasp her arm and turn it upward. "What is this?"

Never one to be manhandled by anyone, Abby was struggling against the vampire's hold.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

Viper's startled gaze cut toward Dante. "You mated her? Well, well. Congratulations."

Belatedly noticing what had captured Viper's attention, Abby regarded the intricate red scrolling that now tattooed the length of her inner forearm.

"Holy crap. What is that?"

Viper gave a short laugh. "She doesn't know?"

Abby stabbed him with a wide gaze. "Dante?"

Dante briefly considered the pleasure of tying Viper around the tree like a pretty bow.

"I did tell you that when you took my blood, we would be mated," he reminded Abby.

She appeared far from appeased. "You didn't tell me that I was going to look like a biker babe from hell. Will it go away?"


"What does it mean?"

Dante opened his mouth, but Viper was quicker.

"That you have been branded. No other vampire may have you now."

Dante closed his eyes, perfectly prepared as he heard Abby suck in a deep breath.

He might not know a great deal about human women, but he did know they possessed a fierce dislike for being treated as property.

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