Wicked Pleasure

Page 18

“God, Cam.” Her voice was more moan than protest, as his hand landed again and he watched the creamy flesh blush.

It was beautiful. She was beautiful, lifting to him, her legs spreading farther, her clothing in disarray.

“I’m going to make you burn, baby,” he promised her, shifting, arranging her legs until they rested between his thighs while he knelt behind her.

He braced his foot on the floor, his knee on the other side of her legs, and lifted her hips farther, before delivering another heated caress.

It wasn’t really a slap. Rather, it was a series of heated caresses against tender flesh, over and over, warming her skin, awakening nerve endings and sensitizing them to a point that pleasure and pain combined and turned to ecstasy.

With each caress his own arousal grew. He could feel her twisting against the hand cupping her pussy, grinding her clit against his palm, the vee of her thong dampening.

He wanted to watch her eyes, but he didn’t dare. Not like this, not alone. He could not stare into her soul without the buffer of a third person to ground him, to distance himself from giving her his own soul.

No matter how much he needed to. There were too many secrets. Too much darkness inside him.

“Let go, Jaci,” he crooned, leaning down to caress the blushing flesh with his lips, to lick over it with the warmth of his tongue. “Relax for me.”

“Relax?” She was panting, pushing against his hand, her juices saturating the thong crotch. “You’re killing me, and you want me to relax?”

“But it feels good.” He grinned, knowing she was loving it. Jaci was adventurous. She was greedy for the wicked loving, no matter how much she might deny it.

“It doesn’t feel good,” she said, moaning.

“Are you sure?” He lifted his head and let his hand lower again. “Are you sure you don’t like it, baby?”

“Didn’t say I didn’t like it,” she said between panting breaths. “Oh God, Cam. It’s killing me.”

He caressed her again. The heavy caresses burning through his soul as they burned through her flesh. Because she was giving to him. No questions asked. No demands. Surrendering herself, when he wanted nothing more than to do the same and give everything he was to her.

His head jerked up as the lock on the door activated, and he felt like thanking God as Chase stepped into the room. His expression was heavy, somber, but his eyes were bright with lust as his gaze took in the scene in the middle of the office.

Jaci’s head raised then and he felt her grow still. Her breathing got heavier, and he swore her pussy grew wetter against her thong as Chase began to work loose the buttons of his shirt.

“Hell of a time for you to kick in with that twin bond thing,” his brother growled, surprising him. “We’re going to have to discuss this, Cam.”

Discuss what? There was no twin bond. He had destroyed it too long ago to even consider it now.

“Cam,” Jaci’s voice was thready, uneven.

“Do you remember how sweet and hot it was the other night?” He pushed the thong aside and pressed two fingers inside her, working inside the clenching heat, refusing to give her a chance to deny what he knew they both wanted. What he needed.

He caressed the delicate tissue as he eased her over onto her back, lifting her legs and arranging them, allowing himself to stare into her eyes. Finally, to let himself sink inside her.

Turning his hand, he then speared his fingers into her pussy, cupping her as he worked inside her, caressing her, rubbing at the little pleasure spots until she was twisting beneath the caresses, eager for whatever he would give her.

Chase moved to the couch, naked now, and began undressing her. The blouse was removed quickly, the skirt undone, but Cam couldn’t bring himself to move his fingers from the clenching depths of her pussy.

He watched, though. Watched her face as Chase’s head lowered, held her eyes as his brother’s lips covered the engorged peak of her breast.

Her eyes glazed over. Dazed as she was, her eyes remained locked on his. She was shuddering beneath him, so close. He could feel how close she was.

Pulling back, he quickly pulled the skirt and panties from her, and then almost tore his own clothing in his haste to have her.

He watched Chase lick at Jaci’s perfect red nipples before moving down her body, sipping at her flesh, causing her to jerk, to tremble with pleasure.

Yet her eyes stayed on Cam. What did she see, he wondered, when she stared at him like that? And did he want to know?

She had to watch his eyes. They were wild and fierce, and only when he touched her and only when his passion raged out of control did she see what she needed to see.

That Cam belonged to her. In his eyes, she saw it. When he watched her and touched her, she felt it. She could feel Cam. She always had. She could stare into his eyes and see the bleak pain, the regret, the hunger and a man fighting to hold onto whatever secrets he hid. And it all touched her. She saw the shadows in his eyes brewing, saw the need growing.

He hid from her, until these times. Until she let herself fly beneath his touch and the pleasure he wanted to give her, needed to give her, for whatever reason.

She watched as she arched her hips to Chase’s mouth, feeling his lips, his tongue, bury between her thighs, and responded with a growl of lust.

Cam’s eyes flared as his gaze flickered to the sight, his fingers stroking his bare cock.

Kneeling beside her, he touched her face, her lips, his fingertips a gentle, tender caress.

“Feel good?”

“No.” She panted, shaking her head. “It’s killing me.”

Killing her with pleasure. She felt like a flame inside, a twisting, desperate wildfire with no hope of being extinguished.

He smiled with a hard, tight curl of his lips as he fought to hold back. She didn’t want him holding back. Pushing at his chest she drove him back and leaned forward, suddenly swiping her tongue over his cock head.

Touching him was imperative. She stared up at him while she took the engorged crest into her mouth and lost herself in him. When the pleasure burned this hot, this bright, she didn’t know whose hands were doing what, just the sensations tearing through her.

She felt fingers stroking inside her pussy, pressing into her rear. Always gentle, easing inside her, preparing her and stretching her. Each penetration into her ass was another layer of lubrication, making her slick, making her want, ache.

She transferred the ache, that need to Cam. She wrapped her mouth around the crest of his cock, drew it deep inside her mouth and sucked with greedy abandon. Drawing on the stiff flesh, hearing his moans, seeing the wildness intensify in his eyes.

“I can’t wait any longer.” His voice was ragged with desperation as he pulled back, ignoring her protesting cry.

Then Chase was pulling back. Deserting her. Freeing her from the wicked touch of his lips and tongue around her swollen clit.

She couldn’t face the desertion. She needed—now. She needed to feel Cam, needed the wicked, wild desperation that filled each touch he gave her.

Then he was touching her, pulling her to him, as he stretched out on the couch and dragged her over him. A second later, she was filled with him.

Keeping her eyes open was nearly impossible. Holding his gaze, seeing the bleak pain, the need that never seemed to die, tore her apart, as the pleasure he gave her threatened to explode through her.

Buried full-length inside her, he held her still. Hard hands on her hips, holding her to him, as Chase pressed her down to Cam’s chest, forcing her to break eye contact.

“Talk to me.” She moaned, needing a connection to him, a center, as pleasure tore through her and whipped through her mind.

“Tell you how sexy you are? How much you please me?” He groaned, as Chase moved in behind her.

She whimpered at the feel of the wide crest of his cock tucking against her.

“It’s going to burn,” he whispered. “But you like the burn, don’t you, baby?”

She liked the burn; she loved it. She trembled as she felt it building, felt Chase working his erection slowly inside her, burning her, as Cam filled the clenching depths of her pussy.

She was burning inside. Burning outside.

“I love hearing those cries.” Cam held her head to his shoulder with one hand, as Chase’s hands gripped her hips now. “Feeling your body tighten and grow hotter. It’s like a drug, Jaci. I can’t get enough of it.”

She was almost screaming now. The intensity of the sensation tearing through her was killing her. How was she supposed to survive this?

Heat flared along every nerve ending Chase abraded and those that tightened around Cam’s erection. With every inch that fed into her body, she went wilder.

Cam’s voice at her ear grew rougher.

“So tight . . . sweet . . . ah, Jaci, that’s my baby. Take all of it.”

And then he got naughty. “Chase looks like he’s dying for you,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re so tight, Jaci, so hot, it burns us, too.” He moaned and the flesh inside her pussy trembled as Chase went deeper. “Fuck, yeah, grip me like that, baby.”

Jaci screamed and the male cries joined her as Chase surged inside her, his hands tightening on her hips, taking her fully as she began to shudder, to jerk with the ecstasy, the agony.

“Damn you. Stay still.” Chase’s hand landed on her ass, but the slight burn wasn’t enough. She needed it all. Cam was whispering in her ear, broken phrases, emotion filling his voice. The higher her pleasure went, the more she felt him, inside her soul. She ground herself on Cam’s cock, then pushed back against Chase and cried out as his hand landed on her ass again and again, and the pleasure tore through her.

And it tore through them. They were thrusting inside her now, hard and deep, ragged curses tearing from Chase’s lips.

“I love you, Jaci.” Cam’s voice was rich with despair, with pleasure, with pain. “God, yes. Fuck me. Take me sweetheart. All of me.”

All of him. She exploded around him, gripping him, dissolving, her teeth biting into the hard muscle of his chest as she felt him jerk, crying out her name before the hard spurts of semen blasted into her and pushed her further into the dizzying vortex.

Pleasure, pain, ecstasy, and agony; and Cam whispering, always whispering.

“God, yes, love me, sweetheart. Love me.”

Behind her, Chase jerked and shuddered. His sheathed cock throbbed inside her as he drove deep, stilled, and pumped his release into the condom he wore.

Jaci collapsed beneath them, her breathing ragged, her mind mush while her body continued to jerk, tiny aftershocks of pleasure still pumping through her.

She was barely aware of Chase moving. Cam didn’t move. He stayed beneath her, his arms locked tight around her, his head buried against her neck, as he held her.

She needed him to hold her. Right now. This time, he couldn’t let her go. If he let her go too soon, she would shatter. And if she shattered, God help her heart.

Chase cleaned up in the attached bathroom, and dressed before bracing his hands on the sink and lowering his head, gazing unseeingly into the sink.

He could still feel it. Whatever “that” was that had compelled him to find Cam. He couldn’t figure it out. The echoes of the twin bond they had formed from the womb reverberated inside him—the bond that had been broken around their fifteenth birthday.

He still didn’t know what had nearly broken his brother back then. Sometimes, he wondered if he ever would. But if what he felt now was any indication, God help him, he would have torn apart whoever caused it.

The bleak, dark pain that throbbed inside his mind didn’t have a reason. It was Cam’s pain; he had known it the instant he had felt it swirling through him. Like the nightmares they had had a habit of sharing as boys. It was like that. They wouldn’t know the nightmare, just the fear. That was their bond. They always knew when the other was in danger, when the other feared. And Cam’s fear now was like a dark, razor-sharp dagger tearing at his soul.

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