Wicked Pleasure

Page 8

She had always wondered what she had walked away from. Now she was finding out. This. Cam’s hungry mouth delving into her pussy, his body bending until he could work his tongue into the narrow opening of her pussy, driving into it in a hard, destructive thrust.

“Oh God!” Her hands were threaded in his hair, her head pressing into Chase’s shoulder as Chase’s fingers pulled at her nipples. Blistering streaks of pleasure and gentle pain raced from the hard tips to her womb, mixing with the fiery fingers of white-hot sensation tearing from her vagina.

She lifted herself against them, her hips writhing against the hold Cam had on them, trying to work more of that stroking, heated flesh deeper inside her.

He was licking her inside.

He was licking her. And Chase—diabolical, wicked Chase—with slickened fingers was probing at her rear, one finger entering, penetrating her easily as she strained to come. He thrusted with such gentleness that the movements were nearly lost amid the violent pleasure of Cam’s fucking tongue.

“I can’t. . .” Her head thrashed on Chase’s shoulder.

“So easy, sweetheart,” Chase whispered, his voice rough and filled with hunger. “Just take the pleasure.”

His finger slid free, pulled back, then slowly pressed in again. But this time, it was wilder, hotter. Not one finger but two, pressing inside her, easing into the untried channel as Cam licked and devoured.

She felt pleasure and streaks of pleasure-pain. She felt fiery fingers of sensation racing over her body, and lost her breath as Chase’s fingers spread inside her slowly, easily.

“Cam. Oh God. It’s too much.” She was fighting to hold on to her sanity. Just a little sanity was all she was asking them to leave her. Just a tiny bit.

But it wasn’t happening. His tongue pushed hard and deep, retreated then pushed forcefully inside her once again, and nearly had her orgasming as he licked. Chase’s fingers slid free, pressed forward, the width thicker, her hold on him tighter; they worked inside her rear with the gentlest movements—experienced, knowing.

He knew how to do this. This wasn’t a man just along for the ride. He knew what the hell he was doing and how to do it. How to counter each touch, each stroke Cam gave, how to blend pleasure and pain until there was no thought, not so much as one thought of hesitation inside her.

“I have you. I’ll hold you, Jaci.” Chase bit at her shoulder, his voice thick now, the feel of his bared cock at her lower back.

They were undressed? She blinked down at Cam to see his shirt gone, his pants undone. One hand held her hip, the other his cock. And it was too wicked. The sight of it was too much to bear. In that moment, she admitted, sanity was long long gone.


She came on his tongue. Cam felt her pussy twitch, convulse, then sweeter than sweet, soft, heated cream slid over his tongue and gave him another addiction. Something else about her to crave. The taste of her release, like nectar, subtle and creamy, destroying his senses.

He’d be damned if he was going to come in his own hand this time. Nor was he going to take her standing up, as though this were all he needed from her. It wasn’t. Not in any way.

He lifted her leg from his shoulder, aware of Chase slowly easing his fingers from that sweet ass.

She was weak between them, staring back at him with something resembling shock.

“Come here, baby.” She was his.

He picked her up in his arms and moved to the open doorway of the bedroom.

The bed was pulled back, but Chase moved ahead of him, stripped the bed, and laid the tube of lubrication Cam had handed him earlier on the table by the bed.

Hell, yes, he had come prepared. He wanted all of her. Tonight, she would be taken in ways she couldn’t have imagined.

Laying her on the bed, Cam came down over her, taking another of those hot, destructive kisses of hers. The feel of it sank into him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as he moved until they were lying on their sides, one leg lying atop his, opening her, revealing her to the man behind her.

He wanted this to be so easy for her. This first time, like this, with both of them. He wanted the full extent of pleasure for her.

Jaci felt them, almost as though Chase were an extension of Cam, moving around her. Cam’s chest against her hand as he kissed her, his hair in her fingers as she fought for something to hold onto.

And behind her was Chase.

She whimpered against Cam’s kiss as she felt hard, calloused hands part the cheeks of her rear and a second later, Chase’s tongue.

He licked her from her pussy to her rear entrance. Flickered his tongue over the tightly clenched entrance there, then pressed against it.

Her leg was lifted against Cam’s thigh, his cock pressed into her stomach as he held her to him.

She screamed into his kiss. She bit at his lips. Wild, furious pleasure tore through her and she drove herself back on the invasive tongue.

She needed. Oh God, she couldn’t believe she needed this. Not this. Not something wild and deep inside that narrow channel that should never know touch. That could never take the thick width of a man’s cock.

“Easy,” Cam groaned against her lips. “Look at me, Jaci. Just look at me, baby.”

She forced her eyes open.

“Cam.” She was frightened, exhilarated. She was burning inside and didn’t know how to pull back, how to control the intensity of pleasure.

Behind her, Chase drove his tongue inside that rear opening as Cam had driven his fingers into her slick pussy. Her nails bit into Cam’s shoulder and she couldn’t help pressing back, lifting her leg higher along Cam’s, opening herself farther.

“Don’t stop.” He was stopping. Chase was pulling away as Cam held her head in place rather than allowing her to turn to Chase. “Don’t let him stop.”

He was laying down behind her, spooning around her as they moved her legs, pressing her back, and she felt the head of Chase’s sheathed cock against that tiny opening.

She fought to swallow, to think. She had to think about this, didn’t she?

“Oh God. Oh God, Cam,” she cried out for him as she felt the slow, so tender penetration. “Cam help me.”

His lips covered hers again. His fingers slid into the drenched folds of her pussy, and a hard hand, whose she didn’t know, lifted her leg higher.

Chase worked his erection inside her slowly. Pressing, penetrating then retreating, taking her in slow measured strokes until she was screaming in abandon against Cam’s lips and she felt that final, firm push that lodged the thick, heavy length of flesh inside her.

“Fucking perfect,” Chase groaned. “So sweet and tight. Tight as a dream.”

Cam’s lips lifted from hers. Behind her, lodged to the hilt inside the too snug depths of her rear, Chase shifted, dragging a moan from her as she was turned slightly, her leg lifted farther, leaving the aching flesh of her pussy vulnerable.

“Hold onto me, baby.” Cam moved beside her, pressed closer, and tucked the head of his cock into her pussy.

Jaci stared at him in shock. She didn’t know what she had expected, but not this, not yet. She should tell him she hadn’t taken another man. Did toys count? They had counted when she took her virginity with them, she supposed.

Then she couldn’t think anymore. He was pressing in, burning, stretching her, making her fit around Chase’s cock tighter, almost painfully tighter.

“Jaci, fucking paradise,” he groaned, staring into her eyes, holding her gaze as she watched his eyes dilate and darken as he took her. “So sweet.”

He grimaced, his hips shifting, pulling back before pressing forward again.

It seemed to go on forever. Taking him in slow increments, hearing Chase’s moans at her ear as Cam would stroke inside her, retreat, stroke a little deeper.

Each measured increase intensified the pleasure-pain and threw her higher into the maelstrom of agony-ecstasy. There was no clear boundary between the sensations. No way to differentiate.

He surged in halfway and she felt herself unravel. Clenching spasms rippled through her body as she came, her nails digging into his shoulders as she heard them both curse.

Chase jerked behind her, driving his cock deeper inside her ass. Cam jerked in front of her, his cock driving against the spasming flesh of her pussy and pushing him deeper. Throwing her higher.

“Stay still.” Cam’s hand tightened on her hip as she realized she was writhing, jerking, trying to force him to take her.

“No.” She panted with the force of pleasure driving into her now. “Now. Do it. Take me now.”

“Jaci, please God,” he groaned, his hips stilling as she undulated against them. “Just a minute baby. Easy. Let me take you easy.”

Her eyes flared open. Sweat ran in rivulets down his face. She could feel the perspiration on her own body, on Chase’s as he bit her shoulder again and groaned roughly.


His eyes narrowed.

“Fuck me now, or so help me, I’ll make you pay for it. I swear. Damn you. You always do this. You always make me wait—”

She screamed. Her eyes widened, sparks erupted in front of her eyes and she heard a ragged male cry. Chase’s or Cam’s—she wasn’t certain.

“More.” She was crying, begging. She didn’t have all of him yet. She wasn’t burning enough yet.

They shifted again, pushing her closer to Chase’s chest as he turned more. Chase was nearly on his back now, beneath her, her leg lying over his thigh as Cam came over her, braced his elbow on the bed, held her hip and moved. Hard. Fast.

Her eyes flew open, staring into his. They were alive now, wild, burning and intent.

“Good?” His voice was rough, demanding.

“More.” She was begging, pleading, staring into the well of vivid green, drawn into them, imagining she felt him in her soul even as she felt him in her body.

He drove against her. A wail passed her lips as he pressed deeper, thrusting and working his hips until, with a strangled cry and one hard thrust, she felt him. Felt all of him, stretching her, burning her.

And she was coming again. She was only distantly aware of the hard, coordinated, driving strokes inside her body now. Chase and Cam moved as a unit, one taking as the other retreated, one giving as the other fell back. In and out, stroking and thrusting, burning and stretching as her orgasm melted her mind.

Her eyes locked with Cam. She watched his expression twist, heard Chase shout out his release behind her. But inside her vagina she felt Cam’s release. Felt the heated spurts of semen, the throb of his cock, the flesh jerking within her as she dissolved again, and again, watching him, feeling him, and wondering just how much of her he possessed now.

Cam took what had previously been Chase’s responsiblity with their lovers, and cleaned the perspiration and sex from Jaci’s relaxed body.

She muttered grumpily a few times, but settled back into sleep, as he tucked the blankets around her and stared down at her silently.

“You didn’t wear a condom.” Chase’s voice was disapproving and threaded with anger. “What the hell happened to you Cam, to forget something that damned important?”

His nostrils flared as he excused torment for anger and let the anger reign.

“I’m clean, Chase. We both know it. And she is, too.” She was protected. The investigation they had run on her for the club had pulled up all sorts of interesting information. There were still too many questions and not enough answers, but there was no question of any risk, to either of them. She was taking a birth control shot, there were no reports of recent lovers. The risk was minimal.

“That’s not the fucking point,” Chase growled. “Son of a bitch, sometimes I think you’ve lost your damned mind.”

He pushed his fingers through his hair, satisfaction pulling at the edges of exhaustion and making him more tired than he had been in the past nights. “Maybe I have.” He finally shrugged. “Take care of her tonight. Tell her I’ll see her when she gets to the Sinclairs’ in the morning.”

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