Without You

Page 26

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked up to her. I threw my arm around her and began walking her to my truck. “Nah, I don’t think so. Besides, nothing will ever be worse than both my parents knowing I just had sex for the first time with my girlfriend.”

I chuckled, but Libby stopped walking.

I stopped and looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

A huge grin spread across her face. “Will, did you…oh my gosh. Did you wait for Alex?”

I felt my face turn fifty shades of red. I smiled slightly and whispered, “Yeah.”

She slowly shook her head. “William Hayes, you are the most romantic man I’ll ever know, and it really sucks you’re my brother.”

We both busted out laughing as I opened the passenger side door for her.

Before she got in, I took a hold of her arm. “Hey, Lib?”


I looked down and kicked the dirt. I wasn’t sure how to even ask her or if I even wanted to know. “Lib, do you, um…well…do you have feelings for Luke?”

Her smile instantly dropped. “It doesn’t really matter if I do.”

I tilted my head and stared at her. It was dark, but I swore I saw tears in her eyes.

“Sure it does, Libby. I know Luke had feelings for you at one time, and—”

She held up her hand and quickly shook her head. “No, he doesn’t. He made that perfectly clear this evening when he made out with Claire at the party.”

I instantly felt the heat move up into my head. “What?”

“Will, I don’t want to talk about it. Can we just go home? Please.”

I nodded my head. “Sure, Libby.”

As I shut the door and walked around my truck, I glanced back toward the house and saw Luke standing on the porch. I raised my hand.

He nodded as he stared into the truck. “Libby going home with you?”

“Uh…yeah. I thought you were going to bed?” I asked as I opened my door.

Luke started down toward the truck, and I had to admit, I tensed up, expecting him to throw another punch at me.

He walked up to me. Then, he looked around me and into the truck. “Y’all going to the river on Saturday night?”

I wasn’t sure if he was really asking both of us or just Libby.

Libby remained silent in the truck.

“Yeah. I mean, as far as I know, we’ll be there,” I said.

Luke nodded his head, never taking his eyes from Libby. “Night, Lib.”

She turned slightly and looked out the passenger side window. “Good night, Luke.”

Luke frowned and ran his hand through his hair as he looked at me. He gave me a weak smile. “Sorry for hitting you, bro.”

He stuck his hand out, and I shook it.

“I would have done the same thing, dude. No worries.”

“See ya in the morning,” Luke said before walking back to his house.

I jumped in and looked at Libby. It only took me a few seconds to realize my sister was crying.

I knew the reason why she was crying.


I started the truck and began driving off. I looked over toward Luke and gripped my steeling wheel harder.

The next time my sister cries over him, I’m going to be the one throwing the first punch.

“Good morning, my handsome man.”

I walked into Banjo’s stall and gave him a handful of oats while he bobbed his head up and down. I ran my hand along his back, and my heart broke. I was going to miss him so much.

Banjo and I would go for a ride at least once a day. He was my everything—next to my parents, Colt, and Will.

“You want to go for a ride, big boy?”

“May I join you?”

I quickly turned to see my father leaning against the wall. I smiled and nodded my head. He winked at me and turned to saddle up a horse. I watched him as he got my saddle and his saddle. My father was so handsome, and Colt certainly inherited Daddy’s good looks. Colt and I both got our parents’ blue eyes and brown hair. Colt favored my father, and I favored my mother. I had to admit, when people told me I looked like my mother, it would make me feel good. To me, she was breathtaking, a natural beauty. My parents made such a cute couple.

“Alex, why are you staring at me with a goofy grin?”

I laughed and began to bring Banjo out of his stall. “I was thinking about how you and Mama make a cute couple with your handsome good looks and Mama’s natural beauty.”

My father grinned and then tilted his head. “What do you want?”

I hit him on the arm and said, “Nothing, Daddy. I was just thinking about how happy you both are. I want that, too. I want it with Will.”

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