Without You

Page 37

His face instantly turned bright red. Maegan and Libby both snapped their heads over and waited for his answer.

“Um…well, um—”

“Luke!” I shouted.

“No! Jesus, Alex. No, I’m not ever going to sleep with Maegan,” he shouted back at me.

Maegan’s face dropped, and I knew Libby was attempting to hold back a smile.

“I’m sorry, Meg. Honey, you’re like my little sister, and I-I don’t think of you like that.” Luke pushed his hands through his hair and rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Alex, for putting me on the damn spot.”

I put my hand on my hip and sighed. “Well, it’s out now. We all knew you never had any intention of sleeping with Maegan.” I turned and looked at Maegan.

She smiled weakly and nodded her head. She turned to Libby. “I’m sorry, Lib.”

Libby looked shocked as she looked at Maegan. “Uh…sorry for what?” she asked Maegan.

“I knew you liked Luke, and I don’t know what came over me. I just got jealous and all. I knew my flirting with Luke drove you nuts.”

Libby quickly glanced at Luke before looking back at Maegan. Luke stared at Libby, but he didn’t say anything.

I cleared my throat. “Grace, I think we all just want to know. What in the hell do you see in Mike?”

Luke stepped in front of Grace and put his hands on her shoulders. “I swear to God, Grace, if I ever catch him talking to you like he was the other night, I’ll kick his damn ass.”

“What? What happened?” Will asked as he pulled me into his arms.

Grace stepped back and away from Luke. “He was drunk, Luke. He isn’t normally like that.”

“Grace…” I whispered.

I hated that she was making excuses for that ass. I had heard him belittle her on more than one occasion. Why Grace put up with him I didn’t know, but she didn’t put up with anyone’s shit. She looked at me and smiled weakly.

“I promise. He really isn’t a dick like y’all think. Once we leave Mason, things are going to change,” Grace said.

I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. Things were for sure going to change, but I didn’t think it would be how Grace thought.

Will slapped his hands together. “All right, y’all. Let’s make the next few weeks like the last eighteen years of our lives. Let’s have fun and get crazy!”

“Hell yeah!” Luke said as he and Will slapped their hands together.

We all laughed, and Will grabbed my hand as we began walking down to the river. Taylor and Lauren were standing on the edge of the river while Colt tried to talk them into using the rope swing.

“It’s freaking cold, Colt!” Taylor said in a whiny voice.

Will dropped my hand and pulled his T-shirt up. Then, he looked over at Luke.

“Oh no, y’all! Don’t!” I said as they both took off running.

They ran up, and Luke grabbed Taylor. She screamed when he threw her into the water. Lauren attempted to run away from Will, but he got her and threw her over his shoulder. He ran up to the rope swing while Lauren called him every name she could think of.

“William Gregory Hayes, if you even think about—” Lauren yelled.

Will grabbed the rope swing, and Lauren screamed the entire time. She was even screaming when she finally popped up out of the water.

Grace and Libby took off running and jumped into the water while Colt did a flip off the deck.

I stood back and watched my best friends laughing and having fun. My heart grew heavy, knowing that this would probably be one of the last times we all did this together.

“You’re sure quiet today,” Luke said as he continued to work on the fence.

“Just thinking.”

He stopped and let out a sigh. “Come on, let’s sit for a bit and take a second to relax under a tree. It’s so damn hot out here.”

I reached into the cooler and pulled out two bottles of water. I gave one to Luke, and we made our way over to the large elm. Luke sat and leaned against the tree. Closing his eyes, he let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

I sat down and looked at him. “You like being single and going from girl to girl?”

He opened his eyes, and I saw sadness even though he was smiling.

“Hell yeah, I do. I don’t have time for a relationship. I figure when I meet the right girl, it will all change.” He took a long drink of water and looked away.

I nodded my head and took a drink.

“Are you worried about you and Alex?”

I knew Luke would just cut to the chase.

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