Without You

Page 41

“Um…Luke, me…” I turned back and looked at Lex.

She was still trying to get dressed, but she just looked like she was sitting there. She nodded her head, and I looked back at Gunner.

“Um…Lex had one, and Libby had one.”

Gunner tilted his head. “Taylor here?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, sir, but both Lauren and Taylor know they aren’t allowed to drink.”

Jeff and Gunner both nodded their heads.

Gunner looked back out at Lex. “Alex, what in the hell is wrong with you? Get out of the water right now.”

I was just about to say something when she popped up out of the water…with her bottoms on.

She got out and walked by, making her way over to her T-shirt and shorts. I watched her every move and got a slap on the back of the head…and then another slap.

“Hey!” I shouted.

Gunner gave me a look that honestly scared me. “Put your damn eyes back in your head.”

Jeff laughed and shook his head. “Will, is Luke drinking?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, sir, a lot, but I’m planning on keeping my eye on him.”

Jeff nodded his head. “I’ll kick his ass if he tries to drive.”

I shook my head. “No, sir. No one will be driving if they’ve had anything to drink. We took the keys, and Taylor put them in a safe place.”

Both Gunner and Jeff nodded their heads.

“Y’all have fun, and don’t get too crazy. No more swimming, you two.”

Lex gave an awkward laugh and just stood there, not saying a word. I watched as Gunner and Jeff began walking back down the river trail. They both got on their horses and started to ride away.

I let out the breath I had been holding.

Lex grabbed my arm and said, “Oh my God! Will, we almost got caught!”

I slowly nodded my head and whispered, “I know. I think I just saw my whole life flash before my eyes.”

Thank you, God. I owe you so big for this one.

Lex giggled and began skipping toward everyone. She turned around and threw her hands up in the air. “I feel amazing!”

I laughed as I watched her run up to Grace and Libby. She said something, and Libby put her hands up to her mouth as Grace started laughing.

When I walked up, Libby turned to me. “My ears! Oh my God, I need to wash out my ears!” She walked off as Grace and Lex started laughing.

Grace looked at me and winked. “Fuckin’ in the river. That should be a title to a song.”

Lex hit her. “Grace! Oh my God!”

I smiled as I looked at Lex. She was beautiful and happy.

She’s all mine.

If only I could shake the uneasy feeling I had about that last statement…

“Alex, just relax. Everything is going to be fine.”

I paced back and forth in our kitchen as I glanced up and looked at my mother. Relax? Relax! I can’t relax.

I was leaving for college in a little over a week. I was leaving Will.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Mom. I don’t know if I want to do this.”

My mother frowned and shook her head. “Nonsense. Of course you can do it, and you will do it. You’re getting your degree if I have to go and sit with you in each class for the next four years.”

I sat down and put my head in my hands. Tears were threatening to spill at any moment. I heard the screen door open, and I instantly relaxed when I smelled my great-grandmother’s perfume.

“Are you ready to go for our walk, Alexandra?”

I looked up at her, and she smiled her beautiful, bright smile. I stood up and walked up to her. “Yes, Grams, I’m ready.”

We walked for what seemed like forever before she broke the silence. “What are you afraid of?”

I shrugged my shoulders, but I instantly thought back to the other day when Daddy and I had gone for a ride.

I saddled up Banjo and Pinto and walked both horses out of the barn. I smiled when I saw my father walking up to me. It had become a weekly thing for us to go for our father-daughter ride. I would ride Banjo nearly every day, and my heart was breaking that I was leaving him. Besides Will and my father, Banjo was the only other man in my life. He was my comfort zone. Being with my horse relaxed me, and I felt at peace.

I had fallen asleep last night in Banjo’s stall, and I had woken up to Will whispering in my ear how much he loved me. He’d carried me all the way back up to the house and kissed me good night so tenderly.

“You ready to go for our ride, Little Bear?”

I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes, sir.”

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