Without You

Page 50

“Sounds low-key. I like it.” Daddy turned and walked out of my room.

I slowly stood up and walked over to my suitcase. I was finished packing, but I couldn’t bring myself to close and zip it up. I laid Emma on top and turned to face Will.

“You’re bringing Emma?”

I felt my cheeks heat as I slowly nodded. “Yeah. If I thought I could bring Banjo, he would be ready to go in the trailer.”

Will walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. He leaned down and kissed my lips tenderly. “You ready for dinner? I’m sure everyone is probably almost there by now.”

I nodded my head and reached for his hand.

The entire way to the restaurant, neither of us spoke. It was as if we were simply enjoying the presence of each other.

Will pulled up and put his truck in park. He took a deep breath, sighed, and got out before walking to my side. I began to wonder why he’d sighed.

What is he thinking about?

He’d seemed so distracted over the last week, like something had been weighing on his mind, and he couldn’t share it.

He reached for my hand and smiled the smile that melted my panties every single time.

When we walked into the restaurant, I saw everyone sitting at a giant round table. Colt and Luke were lost in conversation. Maegan and Lauren were laughing while looking at something on Lauren’s phone. Grace, who seemed like a new person, was talking to Libby and Taylor.

Our little group…

We were only friends because our parents were all best friends, and somehow, we’d managed to become a tight group. My mother had said that we might even be tighter than their group. I had laughed because all our parents were tight, very tight. They never fought with each other—at least, not that I knew of. They loved each other unconditionally, and I’d seen my mother leave in the dead of night just to be with one of them.

Yeah, our little group is just the same. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for any of them, and I knew they felt the same way.

Will started walking toward the table, and Luke looked up and smiled. He and Colt both stood up. I loved how my brother, Luke, and Will always stood up when a girl either walked up to a table or got up to leave. They had for sure been raised the right way.

“Alex, you look beautiful,” Luke said with a smile.

I grinned. “Liar.”

He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. Then, he whispered, “It will be okay, darlin’, I promise.”

I looked at him as tears filled my eyes. “I know.”

Will pulled out my chair, and I sat down. Colt, Luke, and Will followed and took their seats.

Grace got me caught up on the Mike scandal. Apparently, he’d talked his father into letting him take a year off to travel around Europe. After Grace had broken up with him, he’d claimed to be having a breakdown, and he needed to find himself.

“What a class-act jerk.” I took a bite of pasta.

Grace nodded. “Tell me about it. I’m so glad to be rid of him. I feel free.”

“Maybe you’ll meet someone at UT,” Lauren said.

Grace laughed. “No, I’m not interested, and I won’t be looking either. I’m focusing on school, and that’s it. No men.”

Luke glanced at Grace and smiled. “Good, but if I have to drive to Austin every damn weekend to check up on you, I will, baby sister.”

She rolled her eyes and gave Luke the finger.

He gasped. “Why, sister, that hurts me so that you don’t love me.”

Grace moaned.

“I just care about you. I want to protect you from all harm and evil.”

“That’s why you put the scorpion in my bathroom sink last night?”

“Yes. I want to make sure you stay on guard. Be prepared for anything and everything.”

“Fuck off, Luke.”

Everyone started laughing, and my heart grew heavier. I glanced around to each of my friends. Grace and I would be at UT. Libby, Luke, and Will would be at A&M. Maegan was heading off to Baylor all by herself. My heart hurt for her, but she seemed happy.

Then, there were those who were staying behind in Mason. Lauren, sweet Lauren, had feelings for Colt, but she refused to admit it. Taylor, innocent Taylor, was a wild child deep down inside, just waiting to burst out. Colt, my baby brother…I’d hardly spent any time with him this summer. Between him working on the ranch with Daddy, football camp and practice, and that stupid girlfriend of his, he was never home. I was always with Will though.

Colt looked at me and smiled. He mouthed, I love you, Alex.

I felt a tear slip from my eye and make its way down my cheek. Colt quickly looked away.

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