Holding You

Page 28

PULLING INTO THE parking lot of Grand Station, Lauren let out a squeal. “I’ve been dying to come here!” Chuckling, I put my truck in park and turned to her. Lauren had always been so full of life. It was as if she floated through life just unaware of the bad shit and only concentrated on the good. She had no clue how beautiful she was, and that made her more beautiful. We had stopped at Longhorn Steak house for lunch and I wanted to punch every guy who stared at her. But Lauren had no clue they were all eye fucking the hell out of her. Her eyes never left mine. When I talked, she gave me one hundred percent of her attention. I’d never experienced that before with the other girls I had dated.

“Do you know how beautiful you are, Lauren?”

Lauren had been staring at the front door, itching to get out of the truck. When I spoke, she quickly looked at me. Her eyes had been full of life, now they were dark with desire. My pants grew two sizes too small as I attempted to adjust myself. “Do you have any idea how handsome you are, Mr. Mathews?”

My stomach fluttered and I felt my hands begin to sweat. I didn’t want this to be a dream. Waking up and finding out it had been would devastate me.

Reaching over, I placed my hand on the side of her face. “You’re mine, Lauren.”

Lauren’s eyes filled with wetness as she placed her hand over mine. “Forever, Colt Mathews. I’m forever yours.”

Lauren and I both jumped when someone banged on my truck window.

“Fucking yeah! Mathews where have you been?”

Rolling my eyes, I recognized the voice of Phil Lawson. Another Texas A&M football player. “Fuck,” I said under my breath.

Lauren laughed as she looked around my shoulder and out the driver’s side window. “Looks like he’s happy to see you.” Her smile quickly faded and my heart stopped beating.

Turning, I saw Phil, Roger, and Mitch. Roger and Lauren had dated off and on a few times. The fact that he tried to push her into having sex with him made me want to pound his face into the ground.

Roger wore a blank expression on his face as Phil kept telling me to roll the window down. Glancing back to Lauren, I asked, “Did you want to leave, Lauren?”

Shaking her head, she replied, “No. We came here to have fun, let’s go have fun.”

Leaning over, I kissed her quickly on the lips. “Let’s go, let me get your door, sweetheart.”

Lauren’s eyes sparkled every time I called her sweetheart, and I loved it. Opening my door, Phil stepped back. “Hey, Colt.” Looking back into the truck he smiled. “You want to hang with us?”

Taking a quick look over at Roger, I couldn’t help but notice how he was staring into my truck at Lauren. “Nah, I’m here with my girlfriend, just hanging out for a while.”

Roger’s head snapped back over as he sent me a glaring look. Fucker. The idea of his hands on Lauren about drove me mad. Walking around my truck I headed to the passenger side. “You want to grab a couple lanes and hang out?” Phil asked.

Opening Lauren’s door, I held my hand out for her. The moment her hand came in contact with mine I felt the rush of energy. Lauren sucked in a breath of air as her eyes met mine. She felt it, too. God I loved this girl.

Winking at Lauren, I said, “That would be up to Lauren. It’s her day.”

Lauren looked between Phil and me. “What is up to me?”

“Did you want to get a lane with these guys or hang out alone?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Lauren looked at me. “Um . . . I was kind of hoping to have you all to myself, if that’s okay.”

Giving her a smile that I hoped like hell knocked her socks off, I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “Sounds perfect to me.”

Glancing back to Phil, I said, “Maybe next time, dude.”

Phil smiled and tilted his head to Lauren. “All right, but if you change your mind, there is a group of us playing.”

Giving Roger a quick look before turning my attention back to Phil, I nodded. “Sounds good.”

The three of them walked away as Lauren melted into my side. “Are you mad?”

Taking a hold of her tighter, we started walking. “Hell no. I see those guys all the time. I want to be with you.”

Giggling, Lauren looked at me. “We live in the same house.”

Grinning, I purred into her ear, “They don’t make my dick hard with their smile though.”

Lauren’s mouth parted open slightly as she whispered, “Oh.”

Throwing my head back and laughing, we made our way into Grand Station. The smell of pizza mixed with fried foods hit me right in the face. Taking a quick look around, the place wasn’t too crowded, which was strange for a Sunday afternoon. Lauren began jumping with excitement. I loved how the little things in life made her so happy. “What should we do first, Colt? Bowl, miniature golf, or—Oh my gosh, they have laser tag!” Grabbing onto me, Lauren’s face lit up. “Laser tag, Colt!”

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