Holding You

Page 29

Laughing, I walked closer to the check-in point. I wanted to see what Phil, Mitch and Roger were doing first before I decided what to do. They were getting three bowling lanes. Taking note of their numbers, I made a mental note not to be near them.

“How about miniature golf first? I’ve heard it is glow-in-the-dark.”

Clapping her hands together, Lauren let out a squeal almost like what my mother did when she was excited.

I’d never had so much fun playing miniature golf as I did with Lauren. Her laugh was infectious and she truly just wanted to have fun. She never once got upset if I beat her on a hole. Unlike other girls I’d dated in the past, they expected me to just sit back and let them win. Lauren just enjoyed being with me and having fun.

After putting the ball into the last hole, Lauren walked up and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Let’s go play laser tag now.”

Taking her hand in mine, we headed out of the miniature golf section and made our way to laser tag. “Sounds like a plan.”

Standing in the room, I held Lauren’s hand while a young high-school-aged girl went over the rules. “We’re going to break you up into teams. Red team verses blue team. Let’s get your vests on.”

Helping Lauren with her vest first, I slipped my vest on. I was about to say something when I heard someone call out my name. “Colt? Phil said you were here!”

Fuck. First Roger, now Marie.

Turning slightly to look over my shoulder, I saw Marie James standing next to . . . Roger. What in the hell were the two of them doing together?

Giving a polite smile, I said, “Hey, Marie.”

Walking up to Lauren and I, Marie ran her eyes over Lauren. Her smile couldn’t have been any more fake. “Phil said you were here with your girlfriend. I don’t think we have officially met, I’m Marie. Marie James. Colt and I went out a few times.”

Lauren’s body stiffened next to me as I stole a quick peek at her. I’ve seen Lauren pissed plenty of times, but I’ve never seen Lauren pissed and jealous.

Sticking out her hand, Lauren smiled in return. “Lauren Reynolds. It’s nice to meet you.”

Lauren quickly turned and looked at Roger. “Roger, how are you?” she asked.

“I’m doing good. How about you, Lauren?”

“Doing really good, thanks,” Lauren said as she reached down and took my hand in her hand. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to reassure me or give Roger the clear indication we were together.

“You’re looking really good. I haven’t heard from you in a while. You should give me a call sometime,” Roger said as he winked.

That motherfucker did not just say that.

I was about to say something when Lauren squeezed my hand. “I don’t think so, Roger. Much of my spare time will be spent with, Colt. My boyfriend.”

Roger glared at me as I took a step forward. “You got a problem, Hanover?”

Holding up his hands, he let out a gruff laugh. “Nah, no problem at all, Mathews.”

Anger zipped through my veins as I attempted to not pound his face in. “Good, I suggest you refrain from asking my girlfriend out again.”

Lauren pulled back on my arm, “Colt, let’s go enjoy ourselves. It’s not worth it.”

Roger flashed me a smirk as he draped his arm around Marie. “Have fun blue team.”

Turning away from him, I took Lauren’s arm and walked to the other side of the room. I was about to tell Lauren we needed to kick their asses when she looked up at me. “All right, Colt. You better get your game face on. We are taking those two down!”

Lauren and I planned out our attack and once we got inside the room we executed it. I had a feeling Marie would wimp out and basically hide in a corner and she didn’t let me down. She cowered-down in a corner throughout most of the game. Lauren was a champ, and by the time the game was over, we had creamed Marie and Roger.

Taking off our vests and handing them back to the young girl, she congratulated Lauren and me for the great job we did in taking down the red team.”

“Ready to head home?” I asked Lauren. Nodding, she took my hand and quickly led me to toward the exit.

“Where is the fire, Lauren?” I asked as she practically ran to my truck once we got outside.

Turning and walking backward her face lit up and I was instantly hard. “Do you really need me to answer that, Colt?”

FEELING COLT’S WARM breath on my neck, I didn’t want to move. The last two days had been nothing but bliss. After spending yesterday afternoon together, Colt and I came back to the house and spent the next few hours tangled up in each other.

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