Neanderthal Seeks Human

Page 69

I blinked at her upturned face, “Uh- what?”

She blushed, glanced at me through her eyelashes, “I said, what did you two talk about before I arrived?”

I cleared my throat to stall. I didn’t want to lie, I wasn’t going to lie, but I couldn’t give her the whole truth. Instead, I settled for what she called selective truth. In this case, I felt completely justified.

“We were discussing a project of mine. She thought she could help me as she has familiarity with the subject matter.” I shrugged and surreptitiously started to unwind her hair.

“Oh.” Her eyes moved between mine, searching, and I held her gaze boldly. “Are you going to let her help?”

I nodded. “Yes. She’s going to help me. I think it’ll be good.” I succeeded in releasing her hair and felt my body tighten at the image of her- the openness of her expression framed by the mass of wild plumage.

Her smile was slow, delighted, and made my breath catch. “I am so glad.”

I considered her for a moment, seriously thought about falling to my knees and proposing right there in the luxury plumbing fixture store on West Lake Street. I looked at this beautiful woman and all I could think was: Want. Mine. Need.

Before I could make good on the Neanderthal impulse, Janie gave me a quick kiss and stepped out of my arms. She slid her fingers between mine and tugged me toward the door.

“Come on- the sooner we go eat that horse the sooner we can go back to your place.” Janie’s eyebrows wagged- very clumsily- and I allowed her to lead me from the store; admiring her backside, the shape of her legs in the ridiculous stilettos she was wearing, as she pushed open the door.

We walked down the street toward the restaurant and she held my hand. I was silent because my mind was still racing; the thought of her as my wife overwhelmed me. I was undeserving of her brilliance and sweetness but I would marry her if she’d have me and I would never let her go.

“Hey-” she poked me in my ribs, “-why is your face like that?”

I swallowed the thickness in my throat; my voice sounded raspy to my own ears, “Like what?”

“Like all serious and determined. It’s the look you get when you’re about to rain down a world of hurt.”

“’Rain down a world of hurt’? Where did you pick that up?” I tilted my head to the side, narrowing my eyes.

“From Steven. We were talking about how you rained down a world of hurt on Olivia last week.”

In fact, I’d fired her. I hadn’t been gentle either. I had no tolerance for incompetence.

I grimaced, “She was bad at her job. She needed to go.”

“I agree but don’t change the subject; why is your face the world of hurt face?”

“It’s not- it’s not.” I shook my head then pulled her to a stop. My arms encircled her. I pressed her body against mine and kissed her, softly, catching her off guard. Despite her initial surprise she responded beautifully and allowed me to take what I needed- her warmth and blind acceptance.

Except, she wasn’t bind. She was smart. She knew all my secrets. She loved me anyway.

I pulled away, just far enough so that her eyes were in focus. Her lashes fluttered open and she gazed at me, trusting, happy.

My voice was a growl, “I love you.”

She smiled. “I know.”

I released a slow breath and lost myself in her mossy gold eyes, “I don’t deserve you.”

She licked her lips, her gaze lowering to my mouth, and her smile widened, “Oh, you deserve me.” She nodded, her eyes moving back to mine, “You’ve made me fearless.”

It was a confession and I felt it like a heavy weight in my chest. I wanted to give her a confession too. I swallowed with effort then brushed my lips over hers. My words were a whisper that only she could hear.

“And you make me a good guy.”

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