Neanderthal Seeks Human

Page 68

“Something about the fact that any other color makes the gem a sapphire. But, if it’s red, then it’s considered a ruby.”

I felt my lips curve into a smile. A ruby would be perfect for Janie.

Our attention was drawn to the front of the shop by the jingling of a bell announcing the entry of a new customer. I knew it was her before I saw her. It was the most ridiculous thing, but my heart constricted, then expanded as it always did when Janie entered a room. I’d come to expect the uncontrolled response but hadn’t yet grown accustom to it.

My feet were carrying me to her before my mind grasped their intention; I was too busy noticing that she was wearing a skirt, which likely meant she was wearing thigh highs with lace at the tops. She knew that drove me crazy. I was already plotting to get her alone so that I could confirm my suspicion. Also, she was wearing her hair in a bun and I immediately started formulating plans to hide all her hair ties as soon as possible.

I caught her eye as I approached and, again, my heart lurched when she smiled. Warmth radiated from chest outward and I automatically returned her smile because I had to. I simply did not have a choice.

“Hey.” We reached for each other and her soft palm rested on my cheek briefly as she gave me a small kiss.

It wasn’t enough. It never seemed to be enough.

I fought the urge to deepen the shallow contact and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I’d never been one for public displays of affection before. Now, however, I had difficulty keeping my hands off Janie’s body regardless of where we were. I also had difficulty concentrating on anything or anyone but her.

“Hi.” She responded, her focus split between me and our surroundings. Our surroundings finally won the battle for her attention, “I love this place.” She breathed the words, like she was in awe.

I watched her spin a slow circle. Her eyes brightened as they took in the dually sparse and cluttered atmosphere.

“Why do you love it?” I wanted to know why, I had a sense that I would enjoy her answer. I knew it would be unexpected and unique. Everything about her was unexpected and unique. She was my bright light of eccentricity in a very predictable and ordinary world. She made everything new and interesting- or funny.

Janie issued me a skeptical glare. I’m sure she meant it to look distrustful but instead she just looked adorable and gorgeous. “You’re going to make fun of me.”

I smiled despite myself, something that was becoming very common when we were together. “I’m not going to make fun of you. I really want to know.” I reached for her hand, losing the war against restraint, wanting to feel the warmth of her skin against mine, “Why do you like it here?”

She tilted her head, her big hazel eyes moving over my face then meeting mine, I guessed looking for the sincerity of my statement. I wanted to kiss her again but knew that she would never answer the question if I did.

“It’s actually embarrassing and is about my worst-day-ever, which actually turned into one of the best days ever because it was the first time I talked to you- and looked at you in the eye. Did you know that I had a really hard time doing that? Looking at you in the eye- was hard for me- and, in my defense, there are actually a number of cultures where it is a sign of respect, for example- in Japan- school aged children-”

“Janie.” I moved our hands behind her back, drawing her against me. “Why do you love it here?”

She blinked, her soft mouth parted. She started to blush. It was devastating and made my pulse quicken.

I used to try to make her blush on purpose. I enjoyed flustering her, the way her eyes heated and she would glance at me through her lashes. Janie was brilliant and beautiful. I loved that I seemed to be one of the few who could surprise her enough to elicit an involuntary reaction.

It’s not that Janie was cold; it’s that she was naturally aloof. Whenever I watched her at work or in a group, she seemed to be holding herself apart from the action but it never struck me as purposeful. She appeared to be more comfortable watching. Maybe that’s why her impulsive reactions were so gratifying.

“It’s the bathroom fixtures.” She cleared her throat and lifted her chin, meeting my gaze directly, bravely; “I am a fan of bathrooms. I have found them to be exceptionally good for meditation.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Meditation? You meditate in the bathroom?”

She nodded, fighting a smile, “Well, it’s meditation of a sort. I used to wrap all my thoughts up and put them in the box on the shelf in the closet in my head but, recently, I just sit in the bathroom and work through things in there. Something about all the porcelain and tile I think-” She pulled away from me, glancing over my shoulder, “Hey- Elizabeth! I didn’t know you were already here.”

Honestly, I’d forgotten Elizabeth was there. I released my hold on Janie and stepped back as she greeted her friend.

“Yep. Got here a little while ago.” Elizabeth smiled warmly at Janie and hitched a thumb over her shoulder, “I’ve been looking at faucets.”

“Are you done looking? What time is our reservation? Because I wouldn’t mind looking around if we have time…” Janie’s hopeful eyes moved between Elizabeth and me; she looked like a NRA member at her first gun show.

“We have plenty of time, the reservation isn’t until six-thirty and we’re only ten minutes away.” I reassured her and won an immediate smile.

Elizabeth took Janie by the hand, “Come look at these, the lever release is really smooth.”

I watched as Janie and Elizabeth approached the row of sink fixtures and fiddled with the knobs, oooohhhing and aaaaahhhhing at intervals. I hung back and just studied the pair of them- Janie, tall and perfectly round in all the right places contrasted with Elizabeth’s shorter, slimmer form. They were opposites in many ways but interacted with a practiced ease that only time and trusted friendship brings.

When they’d exhausted their time and returned to where I stood I was pretending to check my email on my phone. I didn’t want to admit in front of her friend that I’d been merely watching her for the last quarter of an hour, enjoying how she moved and her animated expressions. Also, studying their interaction allowed me to recognize how relaxed Janie was around Elizabeth. This friendship meant a great deal to Janie. It meant a great deal to both of them.

I glanced up, met Janie’s smile with one of my own, “Are we ready?”

Janie nodded, biting her lip, “I am very ready. I am so hungry I could eat a horse- but not in the demonstration of great wealth way or sacrifice to gods way but in the colloquialism way in which I am stating that I am very hungry.”

Elizabeth chuckled at Janie’s earnest explanation and caught my gaze. She gave me a small smile then, abruptly, narrowed her eyes at me.

“Uh…” Elizabeth- suddenly- pulled out the hospital pager from her purse, “Well- look at that- shoot.” She looked up at Janie and her expression was apologetic, “It looks like I won’t be able to come to dinner tonight.” Elizabeth glanced at me briefly then added, “I guess it’s just you two kids tonight.”

One of my eyebrows lifted, as was my habit when I am suspicious of person or situation. The timing of her page seemed very remarkable and I knew immediately what Elizabeth was doing. She’d just had fifteen minutes of uninterrupted Janie time in a bathroom fixture store. Elizabeth was showing me that she, too, could share Janie by attempting to gracefully bow out of dinner.

Janie frowned, “That’s too bad,” her gaze flickered to me then back to Elizabeth, the volume of her voice slightly lower, “I was really hoping that you and Quinn might have a chance to… you know, talk, get to know each other a little better.”

I watched as her blonde friend gave her a soft smile, “I’ll have to take a rain check, I’m sorry. I really have to go.” Elizabeth squeezed Janie’s hand then moved toward the door, “Have a good time!”

My lips twisted to the side as Elizabeth moved past me and I gave her a grateful smile which- I was sure- reached my eyes. She issued me a meaningful glare which told me unequivocally: you owe me one.

I nodded to let her know that I understood and that I intended to pay her back. In fact, I fully intended to exploit Elizabeth’s knowledge of Janie’s tastes when choosing an engagement ring and planning the proposal. My future interactions with Elizabeth would be mutually beneficial and, surprisingly, I was actually looking forward to becoming friends Elizabeth. I was looking forward to how happy it would make Janie.

Janie’s sigh pulled my attention back to her and I enveloped her in my arms as the bell jingled on the front door, announcing Elizabeth’s departure.

“That’s too bad.” She snuggled against my chest.

“There will be a next time.”

Janie grunted noncommittally then leaned back, catching my eye, “Did you two talk before I arrived?”

I nodded.

“What did you talk about?”

I titled my head to the side, allowing myself to study her features. She had a beautiful face, perfect lips, light freckles, big eyes. The color of her eyes was mossy gold, made me want to write crap poetry and hire a skywriter.


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