Under My Skin

Page 16

“Oh, fuck…yes!” I cried, holding on to the sides of the table as he set a punishing rhythm, his hands gripping my hips tightly to hold me still. He took me over the edge quickly and I screamed, the muscles of my sex squeezing him tightly, milking him even as he still pounded into me.

Another orgasm was rushing up fast on the heels of the last one and I was screaming non-stop now, the pleasure taking me under, drowning me as I came and came hard around him until he slammed home one last time, growling loudly, holding me tightly, our bodies fused together with him buried as deep inside as he could get, pulsing and jerking as he flooded the condom, the heat of him burning me through the thin covering.

He slumped forward, gasping as he laid his head between my breasts, still buried deep inside me. We laid like that for a second, both trying to catch our breath before he raised up and pulled out of me, helping me sit up and kissing me sweetly before he left the room to dispose of the condom.

I sat there on the edge of the table, trying to will my jello-legs to quit shaking enough to hold me. I gasped and froze when I heard the front door open before scrambling off the table to cover myself. Shit, shit, shit…

Chapter 7

“Allie?” I heard a voice call from the living room. “Emma said we were doing girl’s night here tonight and to just head on over when I was done. Jenna’s with me, too. Where are you?” Leah asked.

I was frantically trying to get my clothes on when I heard twin female gasps and then Brandon yell, “Oh, shit! Sorry! Sorry! Oh, God, I didn’t know anyone was here…where’s Allie? You know what? Nevermind, I’m naked…I’m just gonna…go…yeah.”

I finally managed to pull my jeans on, not even bothering with my panties, and yanked my tank over my head on a run, flying into the living room to see a very shocked Leah and Jenna standing there, staring down the hallway.

“Uh…hi, guys!” I stuttered. “Umm…I just left Emma at the shop, didn’t think you guys would be here for a couple hours.” My face was beet red, and I didn’t see it going away for a while.

Jenna grinned. “Emma said you’d been gone for two hours and when we talked to her, she said to head on over because it should be all clear by now. Damn, girl!”

My front door opened again (we’re all close enough that no one knocks anymore) and Emma stood there, her face split almost in half by a gleeful grin. “Did we give you enough time?”

I shook my head in exasperation, not only at the situation, but at the fact that two hours had flown by while I was…er…otherwise occupied. Before I could say anything, Jackson walked through the door. I threw my hands up in the air as all three of the girls laughed and then patted him on the back, saying different variations of the phrase, ‘Aww, poor Jacks…didn’t make it in time…finished without him.’

He looked at me with his head cocked, a smile slowly spreading across his face. “Did I miss something, baby?”

I kept my mouth shut.

Brandon came out of the back (dressed this time, thank God) and slapped Jackson on the back before pecking my lips, waving at the girls, and walking out the door.

Jackson chuckled as he moved toward me, pulling me up against his chest and kissing me deeply. With one last, lingering kiss, he moved away, patting my ass. “Brandon and I are gonna go do a couple things at my new place. We’ll come back when Emma gets home so we know it’s safe,” he said with a smirk.

He left, closing the door, and then I was surrounded. Questions flew at me from every side and I held up my hands, shouting over them, “Okay, okay! Jesus, shut up for a second!”

Their mouths all closed with a snap and I motioned for them to sit down, flopping myself down in the chaise lounge on the end of my sectional. I waved my hand at Emma, indicating that she could go ahead with her question, but Jenna ignored it.

“Before we get into this, I need to place an order for some new shave junk. That shit is amazing! Noah even let me shave his balls with it, and let me tell you, that’s the first hummer I’ve ever enjoyed giving!”

“Jenna!” I yelled, a little disgusted but also a little happy that she liked the stuff she’d bought at the last Down & Dirty party I’d done. That was my side business and it kept me well stocked in anything my little heart might desire, from handcuffs, to lotions, to toys…whatever!

Emma held her hand up while Leah covered her ears and said, “Jenna! No! I don’t need to know about Noah’s balls!”

Emma’s phone beeped and she picked it up, rolling her eyes when she saw who it was. “Calland is texting me, God only knows what he wants.” She read the text and looked up with a surprised shrug. “He said he has an extra ticket to some UFC thingy coming up and wanted to know if one of us or the guys want to go with him.”

“Oooh,” Leah squealed, yanking her phone out and calling Calland. “Hey!” she said when answered. “I want to go with you!” She listened for a second and then said, “Yes, dumbass, I know it’s basically two guys beating the shit out of each other.” She listened again and rolled her eyes again before replying, “Okay, I promise not to cock-block you if you promise not to ‘gina block me!” She laughed again at something he said, then hung up after telling him bye.

“Okay, I’m going! Now, where were we? Oh!” She turned to me with an evil grin and I prepared myself for whatever was coming. “Now, how about you answer that question that Jenna asked at the bridal store?”

“Oh my God, Leah! Can’t we start with something else?” I wailed.

“Nope.” She popped the ‘p’ with finality, sitting back with a smug grin.

“Fine,” I muttered. “No, I haven’t had both of them at once…like that. Not yet, anyway!”

“Allie, I’m just so happy that you finally gave in and put them out of their misery,” Emma said. “God, they were driving me nuts, constantly asking me if you were coming over or where you were or whatever. I did have a lot of fun teasing them, telling them you were out on a date or something. I even had to ‘fess up at one point because Jackson was literally on his way out the door to go get you.” She busted out laughing, shaking her head at the memory. “Who knew what we would get into the day I let you drag me into Skin Deep!”

I smiled at her, completely in agreement. I never imagined that my life would be the way it is now just from a trip to a tattoo shop.

“So,” Jenna broke in. “Please tell me their bodies are as hot as I imagine them to be? Er, I guess just Jackson’s because we saw Brandon’s for ourselves. Holy hotness, woman!”

I laughed and nodded, replying with a hearty, “Hell yes!”

We all got up and headed into the kitchen to get the stuff for our special sundaes, chatting away about everything to catch up on, and about the wedding.

Two hours later, we were still laughing at the pictures Jenna had on her phone of the poor cat that Hayden had shaved. It had one long bald stripe down it’s back, but, luckily, that was it. I guess Tom had run gotten away after that first swipe with the clippers down her spine.

When our laughter died down a bit, Jenna stood up and stretched, saying, “Well, it’s been fun, girls, but I gotta go. Oh! Allie, I still need that stuff! Do you have it here in stock or am I going to have to order it?”

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