Under My Skin

Page 17

“Let me check. I have a couple parties booked in the next week or two, and I stocked up on some of my best sellers, so I should have it,” I replied, getting up and motioning for her to follow me into my office. Emma and Leah tagged along so I went ahead and pulled out a couple catalogs and handed them around, asking, “Anyone else need or want anything while we’re in here?”

Leah started thumbing through the pages of the catalog, stopping here and there to ask a couple questions before stopping on one page that had about a dozen dildos and vibrators on it. She pointed at one with wide eyes and whispered, “Holy shit! Please tell me women don’t actually buy this to use it…?”

I laughed, not even bothering to look at the picture. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

Emma, laughing because she knew what it was as well, turned to Leah and said, “Oh, my God, I know, right? The first time I helped Allie with a party she had one of those with her and I about fell over when I saw it!” She turned to me, asking, “Do you still have that thing?”

I grinned and nodded, pointing her to the closet in the office. She strode over to it and opened the door, bending down to heft the object of the current discussion up in her arms. When she turned around, I swear I thought Leah was going to pass out.

“Seriously?” she shrieked. “People really buy this thing and USE it?” She shuddered dramatically as Emma sat it down in front of her.

‘It’ was an eighteen inch tall, ten inch diameter jelly-type dildo, complete with veins and balls. It was one of the first things I bought to add to my kit when I started doing the Down & Dirty parties just because I, for one, had to see it for myself, and two, knew that it would be a kickass ice breaker. The woman that made me want to become a consultant actually had one in her kit, but she didn’t put it out. Instead, while we were going through the catalog, when we came to that page and all the women started commenting on it and saying that there was no way it was actually that big, she whipped that puppy out and thumped it down on the table in front of us. And when I say thumped, I mean it. It weighs about ten pounds, I swear!

I shook my head at Leah, laughing. “No, people don’t actually buy it to use…at least I don’t think so. If they do, they don’t get it from me and I don’t want to hear about it! It’s not even available anymore, but I think they keep it in the catalog for shock value. I’ve always used it as a door-stopper…makes a great one!”

Jenna and Emma busted out laughing as well, and Emma broke in, shouting, “She calls it ‘Big Kirky’!”

“Oh, my God!” Leah yelled, falling back into my computer chair, literally rolling with laughter. “Why the fuck would you call it that?”

I shrugged, still chuckling. “I don’t know. The shipment came in and I had it sitting in the living room with me. I turned on the t.v. and Star Trek was on; that captain dude was talking, and I saw his bald head and that’s all she wrote!”


We all jumped and spun toward the door where Brandon and Jackson were standing, identical expressions of horror, disgust, and even morbid fascination on their faces. None of us could help it, we lost it again, gasping for breath and holding our stomachs.

“Well,” Jackson said wryly. “Guess we don’t want to know what the hell you guys were doing while we were gone.”

“Maybe you don’t, but I do!” Brandon said, grinning lasciviously.

I smacked at him playfully, shoving him back as Emma hefted Big Kirky up and locked him back in the closet. I grabbed the shave lotion Jenna wanted and wrote up a receipt for her before closing everything back up and putting away the catalogs. Leah said she wanted to see about maybe having a party, so I told her just to get back with me whenever she decided she wanted to do it and a few minutes later, they all headed out, hugging me, Brandon, and Jackson in turn before they went.

Once they’d left, we decided to order pizza and watch a movie, which was becoming our go-to lazy night routine. Brandon decided to jump in the shower while we were waiting for the pizza to come, so Jackson and I were curled up on the couch together.

He leaned down and kissed me softly before asking, “Did you have fun today, baby?”

I nodded, swallowing hard at the memory of what happened on my kitchen table.

Jackson dipped his head and kissed me below my ear, murmuring, “Brandon told me. Did you like it, Allie? Did you come hard for him all spread out on that table?”

I shivered and melted into him, burying my face into his neck as I nodded.

He pulled back a little from me and forced me to look him in the eye, cupping my chin in his hand. “Hey…it’s okay, baby. You’re in this with both of us, and we know there has to be alone time with you and I, and you and Brandon. I’m not going to get mad, just as he’s not going to get mad. That’s what we talked about it all for, you know?” He kissed me softly again before continuing. “And if you’re ever uncomfortable or anything, talk to us, Okay?”

I nodded again, smiling up at him.

He blew out a breath, not taking his eyes off of mine, and then looked away, shaking his head. “Don’t even realize…” he muttered under his breath.

“What?” I asked.

He shook his head again and I prompted him, not letting it go.

“What don’t I realize?” I asked.

He pushed back again, slightly turning away, rubbing his hands briskly over his face. He blew out a heavy breath and looked up, staring me directly in the eyes as he said, “You don’t realize how fucking beautiful you are to me. How fucking crazy I am about you…God, Allie. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

“Jacks…” I whispered, totally at a loss for words.

“You don’t have to say anything, Allie. I…it just gets hard trying to hide how I really feel,” he said softly.

The moment was broken when the doorbell rang. Jackson got up to pay for the pizza and then Brandon came into the room wearing a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else, making me drool for more than dinner.

We sat on the living room floor eating pizza and watching Hot Tub Time Machine (hilariously stupid), and generally just relaxing, enjoying each other’s company. When the movie was over, I stood up, stretching before I grabbed the now empty pizza box and took it into the kitchen.

I returned to the living room to find it dark and empty. I turned to make my way into the bedroom but stopped, swallowing thickly at the sight in front of me. Brandon and Jackson both were standing there, as naked as the day they were born, their eyes darkened and trained on me. I let my eyes roam their bodies, taking in the taut muscles of their chests and abdomens, that sexy-as-hell v at their hips, and then the jutting thickness of each of their erections, rock hard and begging for my touch.

“We told you we had plans for you tonight, didn’t we, baby,” Jackson said. He made it a statement more than a question, and his voice was low, sending tingles down my spine.

I nodded briefly, knowing it was expected of me.

Jackson dipped his head, acknowledging my answer before he continued. “Strip.”

I let out a ragged breath and moved to comply, shucking my jeans down my legs and stripping my tank top quickly over my head.

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